American History: A Survey (Brinkley), 13th Edition

Chapter 24: THE NEW DEAL

Main themes of Chapter Twenty-four:

  • The flurry of New Deal programs offered by FDR to combat the Depression, and how they played out in the realms of economic confidence, agriculture, industrial recovery, and regional planning

  • The critics on the right and left of New Deal policies, and how they inspired Roosevelt to launch what's referred to as the "Second New Deal"

  • The challenges facing the New Deal after Roosevelt's landslide in 1936, particularly increasing conservative opposition, his own political blunders, and continuing hard times

  • The economic, political, and party legacies of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal
A thorough study of Chapter Twenty-four should enable the student to understand the following:
  • The series of emergency measures enacted by Roosevelt immediately after his inauguration and designed to restore economic confidence

  • The New Deal programs for raising farm prices and promoting industrial recovery

  • The first federal efforts at regional planning

  • The political pressures from both the left and the right that spurred FDR to embrace both federal relief programs and Social Security after 1935

  • The changes in the strategies of organized labor during the New Deal period

  • The effects of both the Court-packing scheme and the recession of 1937 on the New Deal

  • The impact of the New Deal on minorities and women

  • The lasting significance of the New Deal to the American economy and political system

  • The varying historical assessments of the New Deal

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