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Juvenile Crime, Criminals, and Victims

Multiple Choice


Juvenile delinquency in the United States is difficult to measure because
A)official statistics are often sloppy and incomplete
B)juveniles who come into the system are put into a variety of different residential treatment programs
C)the juvenile justice system is decentralized and there is no central record-keeping body
D)all criminal records are subject to sealing restrictions, making it impossible to accurately measure total crime as well as juvenile crime

Correlates are
A)the same as risk factors
B)the same as causal factors
C)the same as protective factors
D)predictors of who will and who will not become delinquent

The primary storage agency for juvenile records is a jurisdiction's
A)juvenile probation agency
B)law enforcement agency
C)juvenile court
D)school district

The Property Crime Index includes
B)motor vehicle theft
D)all of the above

Data that includes details on the offender, victm, and disposition is called
A)automated case-leve data
B)aggregate data
C)funnel data
D)case-specific data

An accurate picture of the number of juveniles incarcerated for delinquency is seen through
A)juvenile correctional statistics
B)aggregate data
C)juvenile court statistics
D)police reports

The UCR underestimates crime because
A)it includes the dark figure of crime
B)it includes victimless crimes
C)it includes only violent offenses
D)many juveniles are handled informally, and the incidents are not included in official reports

The rule used in collecting data for the UCR that states only the most serious crime in any one criminal event will be counted is known as the
A)funnel rule
B)violent crime rule
C)hierarchy rule
D)conceptual model

A data collection system implemented to collect individual-level data on offenders, victims, and crime from police departments is the
A)National Incident-Baesd Reporting System (NIBRS)
B)Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)
C)National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
D)Self-Report Survey

The strength of victimization studies is that
A)they capture the dark figure of crime
B)because they are sent to homes, they tend to show a realistic picture of juvenile victimization
C)they show the number of times one individual commits offenses
D)all of the above

Which of the following is not part of the Causes and Correlates of Delinquency Program?
A)Denver Youth Survey
B)National Crime Victimization Survey
C)Pittsburgh Youth Study
D)Rochester Youth Development Study

Studies have shown that
A)most youths are both victims and perpetrators of crime
B)the majority of crime by juveniles is committed against juvenile victims
C)juveniles are more likely to be the victim of a property crime than adults
D)all of the above

Which of the following is not a risk factor for delinquency?
A)low IQ
B)parent has drug or alcohol problem
C)impulsive nature
D)good communication skills

Which of the following is a protective factor for delinquency?
A)school has high rate of absenteeism
B)unstructured free time
C)strong neighborhood cohesion
D)heterogeneity of community

Behavior that would be considered a risk factor for delinquency would include
A)daily cigarette use
B)abstinence from sex
C)regular exercise
D)spending time at home