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Juveniles in the Criminal Justice System

Multiple Choice


The recent trend toward a "get tough" attitude in juvenile justice has produced
A)an increase in the belief that juveniles lack the same level of culpability as adults
B)an increase in the use of waiver to adult court
C)prohibition on the practice of blended sentencing
D)all of the above

Another term for waiver to adult court is
D)all of the above

The number of states that allow juveniles to be waived to adult court is

The age at which a juvenile court no longer has jurisdiction over a juvenile offender and the juvenile must be released from a juvenile institution is known as the
A)maximum age of juvenile court jurisdiction
B)minimum age of juvenile court jurisdiction
C)jurisdictional age limit
D)release age

When a prosecutor files a petition requesting that the juvenile court waive its original jurisdiction over a juvenile offender and a judge makes the final decision to waive, this is a type of waiver known as
A)discretionary judicial waiver
B)mandatory judicial waiver
C)prosecutorial waiver
D)statutory waiver

A waiver hearing must be held before a juvenile can be waived to adult court under a
A)discretionary judicial waiver
B)legislative waiver
C)statutory exclusion
D)all of the above

Which of the following is not one of the Kent criteria?
A)the seriousness of the alleged offense to the community and whether the protection of the community requires waiver
B)whether the alleged offense was committed in an aggressive, violent, premeditated, or willful manner
C)whether the alleged offense was against persons or property
D)the policies of the jurisdiction

A type of waiver that excludes certain offenses from the jurisdiction of a juvenile court, usually violent crimes, is known as
A)"once an adult always an adult" law
B)statutory exclusion
C)prosecutorial waiver
D)judicial waiver

Under a prosecutorial waiver
A)a prosecutor files a petition requesting waiver, but a judge makes the final decision
B)the prosecutor decides which cases will be sent to adult court based on the state's laws, which automatically remove certain offenders from the jurisdiction of the juvenile court
C)the prosecutor has the option of either filing charges in juvenile or adult court
D)a judge directs a prosecutor to file charges against a juvenile in adult court

Studies have shown that waiver to adult court is
A)definitely effective in ensuring that juveniles waived to adult court receive more severe sanctions than they would have received in juvenile court
B)used almost exclusively for juveniles accused of violent offenses
C)used for both violent and property offenders
D)used far more often for property offenders than for violent offenders

According to Barry C. Feld, the punishment gap is
A)the discovery that juveniles waived to adult court for the first time are usually given the leniency accorded to first-time adult offenders
B)the discovery that juveniles waived to adult court receive more severe punishments than adults accused of similar crimes
C)the difference between the sanctions possible under the juvenile justice system and those available under the criminal justice system
D)the differences between the sentences of offenders accused of similar crimes in different states

A type of blended sentencing in which a juvenile is processed in juvenile court and, once adjudicated, receives a sentence in either the juvenile or adult correctional system is known as
A)juvenile-exclusive blend
B)juvenile-inclusive blend
C)juvenile-contiguous blend
D)criminal-exclusive blend

In what type of blended sentencing is a case processed in adult court and, once convicted, the juvenile offender may receive a sentence in both the juvenile and adult correctional systems?
A)juvenile-inclusive blend
B)juvenile-contiguous blend
C)criminal-exclusive blend
D)criminal-inclusive blend

A male juvenile is convicted of aggravated robbery in juvenile court and sentenced to incarceration in a juvenile institution and ten years in adult prison that he will serve if he does not behave appropriately in the juvenile institution. This is an example of
A)juvenile-exclusive blend
B)juvenile-inclusive blend
C)juvenile-contiguous blend
D)criminal-exclusive blend

The Supreme Court has held that the death penalty is constitutional
A)for adults and juveniles of all ages
B)only for adult offenders
C)for juveniles who were at least 13 at the time of their offenses
D)for juveniles who were at least 16 at the time of their offenses