Chemistry (Chang), 9th Edition

New to this Edition

    Many sections have been revised and updated based on the comments from reviewers and users. Some examples are:
    • The chapter opening pages include a new feature titled: "A Look Ahead", providing students with an overview of what will be coming up in the chapter.
    • All key equations and answers to most Worked Examples have been shaded for easy visual access.
    • An introduction to organic compounds has been added to Section 2.8.
    • Reaction types (precipitation and acid-base) in Chapter 4 have been revised.
    • The treatment of gas diffusion and effusion has been expanded in Section 5.7.
    • Section 13.3 now also discusses zero-order reactions in addition to first- and second-order reactions.
    • Section 15.3 compares the definition of pH using concentration and activity.
    • A number of Chemistry in Action essays have been updated and two new ones have been added in Chapters 11 and 19.
    • A new Chemical Mystery has been added in Chapter 7.
    • As in previous edition, there is a good mix of easy, intermediate, and difficult problems at the end of each chapter. In addition, Special Problems is a new category that contains more challenging problems.
    • The ARIS electronic homework system is available for the ninth edition. ARIS will enhance the student learning experience, administer assignments, track student progress and administer an instructor's course. The students can locate the animations and interactives noted in the text margins in ARIS. Quizzing and homework assigned by the instructor is available in the ARIS electronic homework program.
    As always, I strive for a clean but visual design. Each chapter opens with a two-page spread containing a photo with accompanying molecular models to illustrate the chemical or physical process at the molecular level.
    Many of the line art drawings have a new look while still maintaining accurate chemical information. For example, the hybrid orbitals in Chapter 10 have a new and updated visual look.
    I have also added new molecular art to line drawings and photos and to a number of end-of-chapter problems. In addition, we have updated the photo program to complement the visual layout of the design. Finally, we have updated the format of the periodic table throughout the text.
    The development of problem-solving skills has always been a major objective of this text. For example, in Section 3.8 the general approach for solving stoichiometry problems is broken down in a numbered step-by-step process. Immediately following is Example 3.13 using this approach. Example 3.14 then requires the students to use this same type of process on their own.
    Marginal references enable students to apply new skills to other, similar problems at the end of the chapter. Each Worked Example is followed by a Practice Exercise which asks the students to solve a similar problem on their own. The answers to the Practice Exercises are provided after the end-of-chapter problems in each chapter.
    As an instructor, I often tell my students that a good learning tool is to sketch out the inner workings of a problem. In some of the Worked Examples, I have included this type of drawing (for example, see Example 16.10 on p. XXX). It is what a scientist would do as he/she works out a problem.
    New to this edition! "Special Problems" have been written to challenge the student. A number of these problems have been included at the end of each chapter.

    Each chapter opening section contains the new "A Look Ahead," providing the students with an overview of the topics to be presented within the chapter. The Interactive Activity Summary shows the available media to further enhance students' ability to understand a concept.
    Marginal notes provide additional information to the student regarding quick facts; referring a student forward to a section in which the concept will be further detailed or linking back to a section they can use to review the material.
    There is a plethora of molecular art in the margin, enabling students to "see" the molecule under discussion.
    The periodic table icon in the margin illustrates the properties of elements according to their positions in the periodic table.
    Also in the margin, the student will find the icon highlighting the media (animations and interactives) that can be used to understand the concept presented.
    The end of the chapter provides further study aids with the Summary of Facts and Concepts and also the Key Words. They give the student a quick snapshot of the chapter in review.
    The Interactive Activity Summary in the chapter opening pages enables the student and instructor to see at a glance the media that can be incorporated into the learning process. Within the text, an icon shows the student where the concept in the animation or interactive is introduced. The icon directs the student to the ARIS website for viewing. For the instructor, there are also directions for finding the animation or interactive in the instructor materials.
    • Animations
      We have created six NEW animations to accompany the library of animations that support the ninth edition. The animations visually bring to life the areas in chemistry that are difficult to understand by reading alone. The animations are marked by an icon and located within ARIS for student use.
    • Interactives
      Two sets of interactives are available with Chemistry. The interactives allow the student to manipulate several variables. The student can "see" how changes affect the topic being studied. The seven topics include stoichiometry, gas laws, kinetics, equilibrium, acid/base, nuclear reactions and radioactivity and electrochemical cell. The other set of interactives are simple and fun learning tools that encompass a broad range of topics. All of these interactives are marked by the Interactive Activity icon.
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