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Human Physiology, 7/e
Stuart I Fox, Pierce College

Respiratory Physiology

Critical Thinking Exercises

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The air pollution in cities with heavy auto traffic can be as dangerous as smoking a pack of cigarettes each day. What diseases would be more common in these cities?

Keeping in mind oxygen toxicity, nitrogen narcosis, and the role of carbon dioxide in the regulation of ventilation, what gases do you think you should use in a scuba tank to be used in a deep dive?

People with respiratory or heart problems are often urged to stay inside in cities on days when the air is very polluted. Why?

The vicunas, relatives of lamas, are found in nature only in the high Andes of South America. Do you think their hemoglobin's oxygen affinity would be more like that of a typical adult human, hemoglobin-S, or hemoglobin-F?