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Human Physiology, 7/e
Stuart I Fox, Pierce College


Internet Activities

Endocrine and Reproduction

This comprehensive site includes valuable information on the endocrine glands and hormones vital in reproduction.
Question: What is the role of the endocrine system in reproduction?
Breast Feeding: Best for Babies

The natural immunity protection provided by nursing is discussed at this site.
Question: What is the hormone that starts the milk flowing in nursing?
The Biology Project: Human Reproduction
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Visit this site and follow the links to answer the following questions.
A. The fertilization of human eggs most commonly occurs in what part of the female?
B. What pituitary hormone(s) controls ovulation and production of female hormones by the ovary?
C. What is the function of the ovaries?
D. What hormone is produced by the corpus luteum, and what is its function?
Reproduction, Fertility, and Sperm Counts

Read about how problems in the environment can affect the reproductive process.
Question: Relate two examples of reproductive problems in animals that are related to environmental problems.
More Answers to Safe Sex Questions

Read safe sex expert Rick Sowadsky's answers to a variety of questions on safe sex.
Question: What household disinfectants can kill HIV?
The Visible Embryo

The Human Multimedia Anatomy Tutorial (MAT) provides users with a detailed look at the first few stages of embryological development.
A. Where does fertilization occur?
B. What is the primitive streak?
Embryo Development

Although this site is still under construction, it provides the user with useful information about human embryology.
Question: Describe the events of day six of human development.