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Chapter 10 quiz
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Which of the following is not true in relation to disorders of childhood?
A)Early behaviour problems are not a good predictor of later outcomes.
B)Overall, most children are inherently resilient to environmental stresses.
C)Environmental risk factors often have an effect through the parent–child relationship.
D)Whether a child develops a psychological disorder is affected by the balance of risk factors and protective factors in their life.
Nelson, aged 5, has been diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder. Which of the following is the most likely sequence of factors leading to this disorder?
A)Difficult temperament, callous-unemotional traits, difficulties understanding social cues
B)Authoritarian parenting, low socioeconomic status, poor problem solving
C)Elevated androgen levels, difficult temperament, punitive parenting practices
D)Difficulties understanding social cues, parental criticism, low cortisol levels
Joe has difficulty inhibiting his responses on the 'Stop Task'. The best explanation for this is:
A)he has ADHD.
B)he has autonomic under-arousal.
C)he has executive functioning deficits.
D)he has lower response to reinforcement.
Keith was not allowed to watch his favourite television program as a consequence of fighting with his brother. This is an example of:
A)time out.
B)response cost.
C)quiet time.
D)planned ignoring.
Emilia, aged 8, gets very distressed when her mother goes out and she worries that something bad will happen to her mother. Which of the following statements is true?
A)It is not important to intervene as separation anxiety is normal in children this age.
B)Early treatment of separation anxiety disorder is important because the disorder is associated with the risk of comorbid disorders.
C)Because separation anxiety disorder is largely determined by genetic factors, it is not possible to treat.
D)The treatment of choice would be psychoeducation with Emilia's mother about how her behaviour contributes to her child's anxiety.
To be diagnosed with a reading disorder, a child must have difficulties in reading accuracy and comprehension that:
A)may be attributable to low intelligence
B)are unexpected for the child's age, intelligence and educational opportunities.
C)may be explained by lack of educational opportunities or socio-economic disadvantage.
D)are caused by sensory impairments or general developmental delay.
Which of the following is not true in relation to the long-term outcomes of children with autistic disorder?
A)Early intervention is important to ensure the best outcome possible.
B)Children who acquire language skills prior to age 6 tend to have better outcomes.
C)Having an IQ above 50 is associated with poorer outcomes.
D)Approximately 75% of children with autism are not able to live independently as adults.
A parent wants to know the most likely cause of their child having autistic disorder. The best response is:
A)autism is caused by a single, specific genetic deficit.
B)autism is often caused by the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine.
C)autism is usually caused by lack of emotional support from carers.
D)autism is caused by biological factors.
The effectiveness of the 'bell and pad' intervention for enuresis is based on the behavioural principle that:
A)the child learns bladder control to avoid the aversive situation of being woken by the alarm.
B)the child is rewarded by the sound of the alarm.
C)the alarm functions as a conditioned stimulus.
D)the alarm is classically conditioned to the aversive experience of wet bed sheets.
Which of the following statements is true about the causes of intellectual disability?
A)There is almost always a known cause of mild intellectual disability.
B)Moderate intellectual disability is almost always caused by a neurological condition.
C)Prenatal causes of intellectual disability are out of the control of the mother.
D)Intellectual disability can be caused by prenatal and postnatal factors.

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