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Chapter 04 quiz
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A person with schizophrenia spends most of his/her day sitting in a chair. This is an example of:
Which of the following is not true of hallucinations?
A)Hallucinations may be aural, olfactory, gustatory, visual or tactile.
B)Aural hallucinations may involve voices commanding an individual to do something.
C)Aural hallucinations always involve hostile or critical voices.
D)Hallucinations occur without external stimulation of the relevant sensory organ.
A delusion involving the belief that one has special abilities or powers is an example of a:
A)delusion of reference.
B)delusion of grandiosity.
C)paranoid delusion.
D)somatic delusion.
A defining characteristic of religious delusions is that they:
A)involve beliefs that are not ordinarily accepted by other members a religious group.
B)are consistent with accepted beliefs of others within a religious group.
C)involve the belief that one has acquired the identity of a religious figure.
D)involve the experience of guilt.
Sam is an 18-year-old man who reports the belief over the past four weeks that someone is letting air out of his car tyres. Sam reports that he drinks alcohol but has never used illicit drugs. He is continuing to maintain his employment and social relationships. The diagnosis that would best fit Sam's current symptoms is:
A)substance-induced psychosis.
B)schizophreniform disorder.
C)delusional disorder.
D)paranoid schizophrenia.
Which of the following is not true of the acute phase of psychosis?
A)The individual may experience depression.
B)The individual may experience fear and confusion.
C)The earlier that treatment is commenced, the better the likely outcome.
D)The individual will display positive and negative symptoms.
Which of the following is not true of the early recovery phase of psychosis?
A)Family members may experience distress and grief.
B)Individuals may experience trauma and depression.
C)Individuals may worry about their future.
D)Individuals who try to make sense of their psychosis tend to experience poorer recovery.
Which of the following sets of factors are most likely to increase risk of relapse in individuals with schizophrenia?
A)Use of antipsychotic medication, interpersonal conflict
B)Low levels of expressed emotion, use of antipsychotic medication
C)High levels of stress, use of cannabis
D)Use of antipsychotic medication, lower levels of family contact
The biological abnormalities that have been found in people with schizophrenia are:
A)enlarged ventricles and reduced serotonin activity.
B)enlarged prefrontal cortex and excessive dopamine activity.
C)enlarged ventricles and excessive dopamine activity.
D)enlarged prefrontal cortex and excessive serotonin activity.
Which of the following is not true of CBT for psychosis?
A)CBT can be helpful in reducing risk of relapse.
B)CBT can be helpful for negative symptoms but not positive symptoms of psychosis.
C)CBT can be helpful in the prodromal phase to prevent transition to psychosis.
D)CBT can be helpful for both positive and negative symptoms of psychosis.

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