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Environmental Science: A Global Concern, 7/e
William P. Cunningham, University of Minnesota
Mary Ann Cunningham, Vassar College
Barbara Woodworth Saigo, St. Cloud State University

Environmental Ethics and Philosophy

Essay Quiz


Explain what is meant by moral subject and moral expansionism.

Contrast the ethical perspectives of anthropomorphism, stewardship, and biocentrism.

Define environmental justice.

Summarize the historic change in views toward nature.

Outline the argument that patterns of human exposure to environmental hazards appear to be racially biased.

Some people would likely disagree with Lynn White’s claim that our ecological crisis is rooted in the biblical wording that humans are to fill the earth and conquer it.
a. What is a worldview?
b. Outline the worldview likely held by those who disagree with White’s conclusion

The congressional black caucus in the U.S. Congress reportedly has a higher average voting score in support of environmental protection than any other group. Why do you suppose this is so?

A crime is committed, and sketchy circumstantial evidence implicates Joe as a suspect. A police detective, schooled in the use of the process of science to answer questions, is assigned to the case. Joe hires an attorney to defend himself. Compare and contrast the methodology used by the detective and the defense attorney as they pursue their responsibilities in this case.

React to this statement: Why should animals have more rights than plants? Both perform remarkably similar chemical processes; both have DNA and an incredible number of other similarities.

Is formal experimentation the only way of applying the methodology of science? Explain.

Charles Darwin once wrote: What a good thing it would be if every [scientist] was to die when sixty years old, as afterwards he would be sure to oppose all new doctrines. (Presumably Darwin meant to make a point rather than state an actual belief.) How does science avoid getting bogged down if scientists tend to cling to old beliefs?

Visit the Current Global Environmental Issues map on this Web site. Under Conservation, select the piece Seattle area salmon declared endangered. Many Seattle residents favor saving salmon from extinction and reveal a part of their worldview in so doing. Next choose The anti-salmon view. Describe one specific difference between the worldviews of those who support salmon preservation and those who do not.