Hisrich (SIE)
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Entrepreneurship (SIE), 6/e

Robert D. Hisrich, Case Western Reserve University
Michael P. Peters, Boston College
Dean A. Shepherd, University of Colorado at Boulder

ISBN: 0070620172
Copyright year: 2005

The text is intended for the undergraduate and graduate courses in entrepreneurship and has been designed to instruct students on how to formulate, plan, and implement a new venture. It maintains its well-known "from start to finish” approach. Actual case studies and entrepreneur profiles would help illustrating successful and not-so-successful ventures.

Feature highlights

  • Increased emphasis on the presentation of the business plan to investors, the management team, and forecasting sales in the early stages of the start-up.
  • A strong and up-to-date marketing chapter that emphasizes customer service, stronger marketing research and market segmentation
  • "As Seen in Entrepreneur Magazine" boxes
  • End-of-chapter research tasks and class discussion questions

  • Entrepreneurship, 6e

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