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Section 7.1
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What is Earth’s atmosphere composed of?
A)solids only
B)liquids only
C)gases only
D)a combination of solids, liquids, and gases
What is the definition of climate?
A)Climate refers to a process used for predicting weather conditions on a specific date or during a specific period of time.
B)Climate refers to the pattern of weather conditions observed within a region over a period of time.
C)Climate refers to the forces that are responsible for causing specific weather conditions to occur.
D)Climate is a tool used to determine the average global temperature of the atmosphere.
What is the most important factor that affects climate on Earth?
A)the amount of energy from the Sun
B)the amount of water on Earth’s surface in the form of lakes and oceans
C)the amount of energy released from Earth’s core
D)the strength of the gravitational pull on Earth from the Moon
What is the greenhouse effect?
A)It is the natural warming caused when lakes and oceans absorb thermal energy from the Sun and Earth.
B)It is the natural warming caused when gases in the atmosphere absorb thermal energy from the Sun and Earth.
C)It is the natural cooling effect caused when gases in the atmosphere absorb thermal energy from the Sun and release cool air to Earth.
D)It is a process that prevents solar energy from reaching Earth and helps the energy radiate back into space.
What is Earth’s hydrosphere composed of?
A)hydrogen, oxygen, and a number of other gases
B)hydrogen and water in all its various forms
C)water in all its various forms
D)water in its liquid state only
What type of surface reflects incident light, or electromagnetic radiation?
A)a dark-coloured surface
B)a light-coloured surface
C)a metallic surface
D)a non-metallic surface

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