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Study Quiz
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A heating technician estimated that the cost, C, of fixing a furnace would be no more than $500.
Which inequality represents this situation?
A)C ≤ 500
B)C ≥ 500
C)C < 500
D)C > 500
Write the inequality represented by the number line.
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A)x > –1
B)x < –1
C)x ≥ –1
D)x ≤ –1
Which is a specific solution for the inequality b + 2 < – 3?
A)x < –1
B)x < –5
C)x < –6
D)No solutions are possible.
Solve 7 – 2y > 3.
A)y < 5
B)y < 2
C)y > 2
D)y > 5
Solve 3(x – 1) ≤ 4x – 2.
A)x ≤ – 5
B)x ≥ – 5
C)x ≤ – 1
D)x ≥ – 1
Consider the number line representing x > 2.
There would be an ___ circle at 2, and an arrow pointing to the ___.
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A)open, left
B)open, right
C)closed, left
D)closed, right
Which solution requires you to reverse the inequality sign?
A)–2x > 6
B)2x < 6
C)2x > –6
D)2x > 6
The number line shows the ages that qualify for a private pilot licence in Canada.
Write this restriction in words.
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A)The applicant must be older than 17.
B)The applicant must be at least 17 years of age.
C)The applicant must be older than 16.
D)The applicant must be at least 16 years of age.
Sally is paid $25 per day to harvest tomatoes, plus $0.50 per basket.
She would like to earn at least $120 per day.
Which inequality represents this situation?

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A)25 + 0.5n > 120
B)25 + 0.5n < 120
C)25 + 0.5n ≥ 120
D)25 + 0.5n ≤ 120
The cost of making hamburgers for a class BBQ is $50 for the BBQ rental, plus $1.50 per hamburger.
If they plan to make at least $140, how many hamburgers should they sell?
Let n = number of hamburgers sold.
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A)n ≥ 60
B)n ≥ 94
C)n ≤ 60
D)n ≤ 94

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