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Topic 3.2
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What is the total life expectancy of the Sun?
A)two hundred thousand years
B)five billion years
C)ten billion years
D)forty billion years
Nuclear fusion occurs when…
A)a helium atom splits to form two hydrogen atoms.
B)two hydrogen atoms fuse together to form one helium atom.
C)two hydrogen atoms split to form a helium atom.
D)two helium atoms fuse together to form one hydrogen atom.
What is the magnetosphere?
A)a layer of ozone and other gases around Earth that filter out harmful rays from the Sun and trap heat from the Sun
B)the field of magnetic force around Earth
C)the lines of magnetic force that exist between the Sun and Earth
D)light in Earth’s upper atmosphere that is created by solar wind
Earth’s atmosphere allows Earth to maintain life. This is because the atmosphere…
A)traps X rays and ultraviolet rays that enter it, preventing them from escaping into space.
B)allows all materials to pass through it and traps heat that would otherwise escape into space.
C)acts as a filter, shielding living things from the Sun’s harmful rays, and reflects all heat away from Earth.
D)traps heat and acts as a filter, shielding living things from many of the harmful effects of the Sun’s rays.
Moonlight is…
A)sunlight reflected from the Moon’s surface.
B)sunlight reflected from Earth’s surface.
C)light collected from many galaxies.
D)light generated from the craters on the Moon’s surface.
What occurs when the moon moves directly between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow on part of Earth?
A)a full moon
B)an aurora
C)a lunar eclipse
D)a solar eclipse
Why is it safe to watch a lunar eclipse?
A)A lunar eclipse occurs during the night.
B)A lunar eclipse is composed of direct sunlight.
C)During a lunar eclipse, the Moon is reflecting light from the Sun.
D)Observing a lunar eclipse involves viewing the Sun and its phases.

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