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Web Connections
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History World
History World offers an easy-to-read summary of counting systems and numerals.
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Trade Routes
“Trade Routes,” a scholarly review of the history and uses of early trade routes, was published by Australian researcher T. Matthew Ciolek in 2005.
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A Theory of Globalization
The International Development Research Centre’s site offers “A Theory of Globalization,” Chapter 2 of Farhang Rajaee’s Globalization on Trial.
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The Three Rounds of Globalization
The full text of Ashutosh Sheshabalaya’s “The Three Rounds of Globalization” (see p. 117, Exploring Globalization), from daily online magazine The Globalist.
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British History
This extensive site, produced by Britain’s Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, allows users to search for primary documents by topic and century.
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Imperial Remnants: The World’s Last Colonies
“Imperial Remnants: The World’s Last Colonies” is an interactive CBC map that shows the few remaining colonies of European countries and the United States.
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Adam Smith Institute
The site of the Adam Smith Institute provides the full text of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations.
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Spanish Conquest
The site of the National Humanities Center offers “Spanish Conquest,” with links to primary documents that provide Indigenous people’s points of view and perspectives on the Spanish conquest of the Americas.
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Smallpox Epidemic in North America, 1770
The Online Encyclopedia of Washington State History has an informative essay on the impacts of European diseases: “Smallpox Epidemic Ravages Native Americans on the Northwest Coast of North America in the 1770s.”
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Bartolome de Las Casas
This site explores the work and writings of Bartolome de Las Casas.
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Olaudah Equiano
Excerpts from Olaudah Equiano’s book about his life as a slave are included in this Washington State University web site.
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The Slave Route, A Memory Unchained
“The Slave Route, A Memory Unchained” is the focus of the March 1998 issue of UNESCO Sources.
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Slavery in Canada Timeline
This interactive CBC web site on slavery in Canada provides a timeline that allows users to access information by clicking on a designated year.
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William Wilberforce
This web site has an article on William Wilberforce, with extensive links that include an article on Olaudah Equiano.
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Anti-Slavery International
Founded in 1839, Anti-Slavery International is an international human rights organization. Its web site has information on anti-slavery campaigns and slavery today.
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The Columbian Exchange
This Feather River College web site contains a slide show with useful materials for teaching about the grand, or Columbian, exchange.
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Industrial Revolution
This series of articles details many aspects of the impact of the Industrial Revolution on art, culture, and science, with links to other sources.
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Jimmy Durham
A biography of poet Jimmy Durham (see p. 133, Exploring Globalization) from the Native American Authors Project.
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