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Lesson Summary
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  • Auditing is the practice of examining cells and formulas for accuracy. Excel provides several tools to help you audit your worksheet for accuracy.
  • Excel performs background error checking. Errors are noted with a tiny green triangle. Some cells display an error value message.
  • When a cell displays an error value message, you can review each element in the formula step-by-step.
  • The Formula Auditing toolbar includes most tools for tracing and evaluating formula errors.
  • A precedent contributes or provides data to a formula’s result.
  • A dependent is a cell that relies on another cell for its value.
  • You can use the Go To Special dialog box to select cells with errors, blanks, and other types of data.
  • Although Excel can help you locate errors, you must manually correct them. You can use the Evaluate Formula button to analyze problem formulas.
  • The Watch window displays formula cells and related information in a separate window.
  • Delete a formula from the Watch window when you no longer need to monitor it, or close the Watch window.
  • You can have Excel show formulas that refer to empty cells as errors.
  • The error message value #DIV/0 indicates division by zero.

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