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Chapter 10 Glossary
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Agenda-setting  the process by which media identify and structure important and meaningful issues for audiences.
Cultivation theory  an approach to media research which argues that media consumption has a cumulative influence in promoting a shared worldview.
Electronic society  the stage at which all forms of communication have been influenced, either directly or indirectly, by electronic media.
Entertainment  the form of gratification we get when media function as a form of wish fulfillment, providing satisfying images and stimulating emotions.
Gatekeepers  editors, producers, webmasters, and other media managers who decide which messages will get produced.
Gratification function  the active use of media to fulfill needs and desires.
Hypodermic needle model  explains direct media effects by suggesting that a specific message can be "shot" into an unsuspecting audience.
Information  when discussing media gratification, the desire for knowledge based on curiosity, personal investment, or need.
Lay people  individuals who are not part of the clergy.
Literacy  ability to comprehend and use written symbols.
Mass communication  the creation of meaning through messages sent to a large, unseen, and anonymous audience.
Media  the vehicles that carry messages.
Media literacy  ability to understand the language of media and critically assess the contribution of media to society.
Media synergy  the use by media conglomerates of as many channels of delivery as possible for similar content.
Network society  the integration of several communication technologies into a new social system.
Oral cultures  cultures in which speaking and hearing are the dominant forms of communication.
Penny press  inexpensive, mass-produced newspapers designed to appeal to the growing immigrant population in the United States.
Preliterate  the state of a people before acquiring the ability to read and write.
Selective exposure  people choose to watch or listen to media messages that confirm existing beliefs.
Selective retention  people choose to remember media messages that confirm existing beliefs.
Social utility  the function media serve when they provide common topics about social relationships and models for behavior.
Surveillance  the function of media to keep the public informed about social and political events.
Technological convergence  the union of different, specialized media to meet the individual needs of users.
Third person effect  the belief that media influence others more than ourselves.

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