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Case Study: Job Interview and the Real You
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A job interview is usually a "front stage context," where communicators need to think carefully about the image they are projecting. Noelle was in just such a situation. She was a graduating senior in Art History and was interviewing for a sales position with a large pharmaceutical company. The job called for a business or communication major with sales experience. The company was also interested in someone who could speak Spanish. Noelle had several decisions to make about how she would present herself to the job interviewer. Below are some of the decisions she had to make during the interview.

  1. Dress. The career center advised her to wear a suit, minimal jewelry, and to remove any jewelry associated with piercing. She wore a suit but left the stud in her tongue. She thought the jewelry was part of her identity and that the company should know her "true self" if they were going to hire her.
  2. GPA. Noelle listed her "major" GPA on her application on the line simply reading, "GPA______."
  3. Work experience. Noelle worked as a receptionist for her mother's real estate company, which she listed as sales experience on her resume. During the interview, she was intentionally vague about her experience at the company and did not mention that her mother was her supervisor.
  4. Spanish. Noelle had three semesters of C work in Spanish. During the interview, she said that she had a working knowledge of Spanish.
  5. Major. When asked why an Art History major would make a good salesperson, Noelle explained that one needs to know people and how they behave to be a good artist, which is also the key to being a good salesperson.
  6. Weakness. When asked what her greatest weakness was, Noelle responded: "I procrastinate too much. But I always get my work done."
  7. Motivation. When asked, "Why do you want to work for us?" Noelle answered, "I have always wanted a high paying job like this."

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How well did Noelle present herself to the interviewer?

How might she have presented herself more effectively?

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