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Chapter 6 Glossary
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Accent  a nonverbal function that highlights, accentuates, or emphasizes verbal messages.
Adaptors  nonverbal gestures that we use to adapt to our environment, such as fanning ourselves when we are hot.
Affective  emotional or sentimental.
Artifactics  the use of objects to communicate nonverbally.
Chronemics  the use of time to communicate nonverbally.
Complement  a nonverbal function that adds meaning to verbal messages.
Continuous  a characteristic of nonverbal communication that indicates that nonverbal messages are streams of cues.
Contradict  a nonverbal function that opposes, denies, or disagrees with a verbal message.
Disfluencies  vocal pauses such as "um," "aaa," and "and a."
Display rules  cultural expectations about the public display of emotions.
Emblems  nonverbal gestures with specific and definitive meanings, often substituting for explicit verbal words.
Emoticons  keyboard symbols used in e-mail or chat rooms to simulate facial expressions or voice qualities.
Gestures  significant body movements that convey a message.
Haptics  the use of touch to communicate nonverbally.
Illustrators  nonverbal gestures that accent or clarify verbal messages.
Imagery  evoking a mental picture in the mind of the audience.
Intrinsic  a characteristic of nonverbal communication indicating that nonverbal messages are inherently connected to our emotions and mental states.
Kinesics  the use of body motion to communicate nonverbally.
Leakage  a nonverbal cue that reveals emotions we are trying to conceal.
Misnomer  misnamed or inappropriate use of a name, label, or title.
Monochronic cultures  cultures that view time as linear rather than circular.
Nonlinguistic  a characteristic of nonverbal communication indicating that nonverbal messages are outside languages.
Nonverbal communication  messages expressed through symbols other than words, including hand gestures, facial expressions, touching, vocal inflection, and clothing.
Olfactory  the use of smell to communicate nonverbally.
Paradox  an apparent contradiction or inconsistency.
Polychronic  cultures that view time as circular rather than linear.
Proxemics  the use of space to communicate nonverbally.
Regulate  a function of nonverbal communication that controls, adjusts, or alters the flow of verbal messages.
Repeat  a function of nonverbal communication that reiterates verbal messages.
Simultaneous  occurring at the same time.
Substitute  a function of nonverbal communication that takes the place of verbal messages.
Syntax  a characteristic of languages that prescribes a certain word order.
Territoriality  the tendency of humans to mark and defend a particular space.
Ubiquitous  everywhere, ever-present.
Vocalics  the use of your voice to communicate nonverbally.

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