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Lauer: Social Problems and the Quality of Life
Social Problems and the Quality of Life, 8/e
Robert H. Lauer, U.S. International University
Jeanette C. Lauer, U.S. International University


abuse  improper use of drugs or alcohol to the degree that the consequences are defined as detrimental to the user or society
achievement  as distinguished from educational "attainment," the level the student has reached as measured by scores on various verbal and nonverbal tests
addiction  repeated use of a drug or alcohol to the point of periodic or chronic intoxication that is detrimental to the user or society
adjudication  making a judgment; settling a judicial matter
aggression  forceful, offensive, or hostile behavior toward another person or society
AIDS  acquired immune deficiency syndrome, a disease in which a viral infection causes the immune system to stop functioning, inevitably resulting in death
alienation  a sense of estrangement from one's social environment, typically measured by one's feelings of powerlessness, normlessness, isolation, meaninglessness, and self-estrangement
anarchism  the philosophy that advocates the abolition of government in order to secure true freedom for people
anomie  literally, normlessness; as used by Merton, it refers to a structural breakdown characterized by incompatibility between cultural goals and the legitimate means of reaching those goals
atmosphere  the general mood and social influences in a situation or place
attainment  as distinguished from educational "achievement," the number of years of education completed by a student
attitude  a predisposition about something in one's environment
autonomy  the ability or opportunity to govern oneself
biological characteristic  an inherited, rather than learned, characteristic
bisexual  having sexual relations with either sex or both together
bureaucracy  an organization in which there are specific areas of authority and responsibility, a hierarchy of authority, management based on written documents, worker expertise, management based on rules, and full-time workers
capitalism  an economic system in which there is private, rather than state, ownership of wealth and control of the production and distribution of goods; people are motivated by profit and compete with each other for maximum shares of profit
carcinogenic  causing cancer
caste  social category of a closed stratification system; that is, an individual's position throughout life is completely determined by his or her father's social rank (caste membership)
catharsis  discharging socially unacceptable emotions in a socially acceptable way
cognitive development  growth in the ability to perform increasingly complex intellectual activities, particularly abstract relationships
cohabitation  living together without getting married
compensatory programs  programs designed to give intensive help to disadvantaged pupils and increase their academic skills
consciousness raising  the process by which people become aware of their situation as the situation is defined by some group
consumer price index  a measure of the average change in prices of all types of consumer goods and services purchased by urban wage earners and clerical workers
contradiction  opposing phenomena within the same social system
corporate welfare  governmental benefits given to corporations that are unavailable to other groups or to individuals
critical thinking  the analysis and evaluation of information
crude birthrate  the number of births per year per 1,000 population
crude death rate  the number of deaths per year per 1,000 population
culture  refers to the way of life of a people, including both material products (such as technology) and nonmaterial characteristics (such as values, norms, language, and beliefs)
cunnilingus  oral stimulation of the female genitalia
dehumanization  the process by which an individual is deprived of the qualities or traits of a human being
deinstitutionalization  movement to change the setting of treatment of mental disorders from hospitals to the community through rapid discharge of patients
demographic transition  a shift from high rates of births and deaths to low rates of births and deaths
demography  the scientific study of population
dependent variable  the variable in an experiment that is influenced by an independent variable
detoxification  supervised withdrawal from dependence on a drug
deviance  behavior that violates norms
differential association  the theory that illegal behavior is due to preponderance of definitions favorable to such behavior
discrimination  arbitrary, unfavorable treatment of the members of some social group
disfranchise  to deprive of the right to vote
division of labor  the separation of work into specialized tasks
divorce rate  typically, the number of divorces per 1,000 marriages
downsizing  reduction of the labor force in a company or corporation
ecosystem  a set of living things, their environment, and the interrelationships among and between them
environmental depletion  increasing scarcity of natural resources, including those used for generating energy
environmental destruction  alterations in the environment that make it less habitable or useful for people or other living things
environmental pollution  harmful alterations in our environment, including air, land, and water
epidemiology  the study of factors that affect the incidence, prevalence, and distribution of illnesses
erotica  sexually arousing materials that are not degrading or demeaning to adults or children
ethnic group  people who have a shared historical and cultural background that leads them to identify with each other
etiology  the causes of a disease
eutrophication  overfertilization of water due to excess nutrients, leading to algae growth and oxygen depletion
exploitation  use or manipulation of people for one's own advantage or profit
fallacy of appeal to prejudice  argument by appealing to popular prejudices or passions
fallacy of authority  argument by an illegitimate appeal to authority
fallacy of circular reasoning  using conclusions to support the assumptions that were necessary to make the conclusions
fallacy of composition  the assertion that what is true of the part is necessarily true of the whole
fallacy of dramatic instance  the fallacy of overgeneralizing
fallacy of misplaced concreteness  the fallacy of making something abstract into something concrete
fallacy of non sequitur  something that does not follow logically from what has preceded it
fallacy of personal attack  argument by attacking the opponent personally rather than dealing with the issue
fallacy of retrospective determinism  the argument that things could not have worked out any other way than they did
family  a group united by marriage, blood, and/or adoption in order to satisfy intimacy needs and/or bear and socialize children
fellatio  oral stimulation of the male genitalia
forcible rape  actual or attempted sexual intercourse through the use of force or the threat of force
frequency distribution  the organization of data to show the number of times each item occurs
gender  the meaning of being male or female in a particular society
gender role  the attitudes and behavior that are expected of men and women in a society
gentrification  the process of middle-class people developing and residing in low-income areas, thereby increasing land and housing values
ghetto  an area in which a certain group is segregated from the rest of society; often used today to refer to the impoverished area of the inner city
gridlock  the inability of the government to legislate significant new policies
gross national product (GNP)  the total value, usually in dollars, of all goods and services produced by a nation during a year
herbicide  a chemical used to kill plant life, particularly weeds
heterogamy  marriage between those with diverse values and backgrounds
heterosexual  having sexual preference for persons of the opposite sex
homogamy  marriage between those with similar values and backgrounds
homophobia  irrational fear of homosexuals
homosexual  having sexual preference for persons of the same sex; someone who privately or overtly considers himself or herself a homosexual
iatrogenic  caused by the physician in the course of his or her treatment of a patient
ideology  a set of ideas that explain or justify some aspect of social reality
immigration rate  the number of people entering a country in one year per 1,000 population
incest  exploitative sexual contact between relatives in which the victim is under the age of 18
incidence  the number of new cases of an illness that occur during a particular period of time
independent variable  the variable in an experiment that is manipulated to see how it effects changes in the dependent variable
infrastructure  the basic physical requirements for modern social life, including roads, water supplies, sewage disposal, and so forth
innate  existing in a person from birth
institution  a collective pattern of dealing with a basic social function; typical institutions identified by sociologists are the government, economy, education, family and marriage, and religion
institutional racism  policies and practices of social institutions that tend to perpetuate racial discrimination
interaction  reciprocally influenced behavior on the part of two or more people
interest group  a group that attempts to influence public opinion and political decisions in accord with the particular interests of its members
labeling theory  the theory that deviant behavior is the result of individuals being defined and treated as deviants-a form of self-fulfilling prophecy
labor force  all civilians who are employed or unemployed but able and desirous of work
lesbian  a female homosexual
life chances  the probability of gaining certain advantages defined as desirable, such as long life and health
life expectancy  the average number of years a newborn can expect to live
lobbyist  an individual who tries to influence legislation in accord with the preferences of an interest group
maladjustment  poor adjustment to one's social environment
malnutrition  inadequate food, in amount or type
manic-depressive reaction  a disorder involving fluctuation between emotional extremes
Marxist  pertaining to the system of thought developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, particularly emphasizing materialism, class struggle, and the progress of humanity toward communism
mean  the average
median  the score below which are half of the scores and above which are the other half
megalopolis  an urban area formed by the merging of two or more metropolitan areas
migration  movement of people from one area to another
military parity  equality or equivalence in military strength
morbidity  the prevalence of a specified illness in a specified area
morphological  pertaining to form and structure
neurosis  a mental disorder involving anxiety that impairs functioning
norm  shared expectations about behavior
nuclear family  husband, wife, and children, if any
obscenity  materials that are offensive by generally accepted standards of decency
organized crime  an ongoing organization of people who provide illegal services and goods and who maintain their activities by the aid of political corruption
paraphilia  the need for a socially unacceptable stimulus in order to be sexually aroused and satisfied
participant observation  a method of research in which one directly participates and observes the social reality being studied
patronage  giving government jobs to people who are members of the winning party
pedophile  an adult who depends on children for sexual stimulation
personal problem  a problem that can be explained in terms of the qualities of the individual
pesticide  a chemical used to kill insects defined as pests
photosynthesis  a natural process essential to life, resulting in the production of oxygen and organic materials
pica  a craving for unnatural substances, such as dirt or clay
pimp  one who earns all or part of his living by acting as a manager or procurer for a prostitute
placebo  any substance having no physiological effect that is given to a subject who believes it to be a drug that does have effect
pluralism  the more or less equal distribution of power among interest groups
political alienation  a feeling of political disillusionment, powerlessness, and estrangement
political party  an organized group that attempts to control the government through the electoral process
pollutant  anything that causes environmental pollution
pornography  literature, art, or films that are sexually arousing
posttraumatic stress disorder  an anxiety disorder associated with serious traumatic events, involving such symptoms as nightmares, recurring thoughts about the trauma, a lack of involvement with life, and guilt
poverty  a state in which income is insufficient to provide the basic necessities of food, shelter, clothing, and medical care
poverty level  defined as the minimum income level at which Americans should have to live, it is based on the Department of Agriculture's calculations of the cost of a basic diet called "the economy food plan"
power elite model  a model of politics in which power is concentrated in political, economic, and military leaders
predatory crime  acts that have victims who suffer loss of property or some kind of physical harm
prejudice  a rigid, emotional attitude that legitimates discriminatory behavior toward people in a group
prevalence  the number of cases of an illness that exist at any particular time
primary deviance  deviant behavior of an individual who still considers himself or herself as a conforming member of society
primary group  the people with whom we have intimate, face-to-face interaction on a recurring basis, such as parents, spouse, children, and close friends
promiscuity  undiscriminating, casual sexual relationships with many people
prostitution  having sexual relations for remuneration, usually to provide part or all of one's livelihood
psychosis  a disorder in which the individual fails to distinguish between internal and external stimuli
psychosomatic disorder  an impairment in physiological functioning that results from the individual's emotional state
race  a group of people distinguished from other groups on the basis of certain biological characteristics
racism  the belief that some racial groups are inherently inferior to others
recidivism  repeated criminal activity and incarceration
regulatory agency  an organization established by the government to enforce statutes that apply to a particular activity
rehabilitation  resocializing a criminal and returning him or her to full participation in society
reification  defining what is abstract as something concrete
relative deprivation  a sense of deprivation based on some standard used by the individual who feels deprived
retributiveness  paying people back for their socially unacceptable behavior
ritualized deprivation  a school atmosphere in which the motions of teaching and learning continue while the students are more concerned about surviving than learning
role  the behavior associated with a particular position in the social structure
role conflict  a person's perception that two or more of his or her roles are contradictory, or that the same role has contradictory expectations, or that the expectations of the role are unacceptable or excessive
sadomasochism  the practice of deriving sexual pleasure from the infliction of pain
sanctions  mechanism of social control for enforcing a society's standards
schizophrenia  a psychosis that involves a thinking disorder, particularly hallucinations and fantasies
secondary deviance  deviant behavior by an individual who regards himself or herself as deviant
self-fulfilling prophecy  a belief that has consequences (and may become true) simply because it is believed
senescence  biological aging
sex  an individual's identity as male or female
sexism  prejudice or discrimination against someone because of his or her sex
sexual harassment  unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other sexual behavior that results in punishment when the victim resists or that creates a hostile environment.
social change  alterations in interaction patterns or in such aspects of culture as norms, values, and technology
social disorganization  a state of society in which consensus about norms has broken down
socialization  the process by which an individual learns to participate in a group
social problem  related to the fact that human beings live together in organized societies; that is, a condition or pattern of behavior caused by social factors
socioeconomic status  categories of people based on similar economic resources, power, education, prestige, and style of life
sodomy  intercourse that is defined as "unnatural"; particularly used to refer to anal intercourse
statutory rape  sexual intercourse with a female who is below the legal age for consenting
stealth racism  hidden or subtle acts of prejudice and discrimination that may only be apparent to the victim
stepfamily  a family formed by remarriage that includes one or more children from a previous marriage
stereotype  an image of members of a group that standardizes them and exaggerates certain qualities
stigma  that which symbolizes disrepute or disgrace
subculture  a group within a society that shares much of the culture of the larger society while maintaining certain distinctive cultural elements of its own
subsidy  a government grant to a private person or company to assist an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public
suburb  an area adjacent to a city but outside the jurisdiction of the city's government
survey  a method of research in which a sample of people are interviewed or given questionnaires in order to get data on some phenomenon
test of significance  a statistical method for determining the probability that research findings occurred by chance
total institution  a place in which the totality of the individual's existence is controlled by external forces
trauma  physical or emotional injury
underemployment  working full time for poverty wages, working part time when full-time work is desired, or working at a job below the worker's skill level
unemployment rate  proportion of the labor force that is not working but is available for work and has made specific efforts to find work
urbanization  the increasing concentration of people living in cities
urban renewal  a program in which government financing enables renovation of a decaying urban area
values  things preferred because they are defined as having worth
variable  any trait or characteristic that varies in value or magnitude
violence  the use of force to kill, injure, or abuse others
war  a major armed conflict between nations or between organized groups within a nation in which a thousand or more people are killed
white-collar crime  crimes committed by respectable citizens in the course of their work
work ethic  the notion that our sense of worth and the satisfaction of our needs are intricately related to the kind of work we do