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Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Today's Classrooms
Pamela Farris, Northern Illinois University
Carol Fuhler, Iowa State University
Maria Walther

Expository Text

Multiple Choice


In terms of including expository texts in your classroom library, teachers should
A)introduce them as such to the students and emphasize that they are informational, not for enjoyment.
B)introduce them as part of the classroom read-aloud routine.
C)set aside a time of day just for expository books.
D)use expository books in lieu of textbooks.

Approximately what percent of a classroom reading center should be composed of expository text?
A)10 to 15%
B)20 to 40%
C)25 to 50%
D)30 to 60%

What percent of a public library's materials will likely be expository text?
A)20 - 40%
B)30 - 50%
C)60 - 70%
D)70 - 80%

Which of the following is NOT considered to be a content literacy ability?
A)Realizing that the vocabulary is different and must be understood before the new concept can be grasped.
B)Using critical thinking skills to analyze, organize, and relate new information to prior knowledge.
C)Knowing how to identify setting, goal, and solution.
D)Understanding various graphic features.

When Mrs. Schefer points out to her students specific characteristics, details, and features of mummies as she and her students read an expository book on mummies, she is teaching her students the organizational pattern of
B)cause and effect.
D)problem and solution.

Polly's teacher has been talking a lot about words such as first, then, following, and at the same time. Her teacher is probably teaching the students the organizational pattern of
B)cause and effect.
D)problem and solution.

Jeff is teaching is science students how to discuss environmental issues such as who is to blame for pollution. To ensure their success, Jeff should teach his students the organizational pattern of
B)cause and effect.
D)problem and solution.

Venn diagrams are graphic organizers associated with
A)comparison and contrast.
B)cause and effect.
D)problem and solution.

In order for students to internalize metacognitive practice, it is important for the teacher to
A)avoid directly instructing the steps.
B)require the students to memorize the steps.
C)post and reinforce usage of the steps.
D)take notes on who is and is not using the steps.

When students record graphs, lists, or descriptions on one side of the page, and then write their reflections on the other side, they are using
A)double-entry journals.
B)learning logs.
C)herringbone diagrams.
D)bull's-eye writing.

One reason that content-area texts can be even more challenging for students who are English language learners is that to master a competency with this demanding language may take
A)between 1 and 3 years.
B)between 2 and 4 years.
C)between 4 and 8 years.
D)between 5 and 10 years.

Scientific inventions are good examples for students learning about organizational patterns of
B)cause and effect.
D)problem and solution.

The first step in metacognitive practice is to
A)skim over the text.
B)predict the topic.
C)review prior knowledge.
D)note important details.

When students write about what they learn, they
A)find out what they want to know and want to say.
B)retain important information.
C)actively and regularly use the knowledge they gain.
D)all of the above.
E)none of the above.

In which informal writing activity do students gather the essential elements of a topic and then jot down the information in a few sentences?
A)double-entry journal
B)learning log
C)bull's-eye writing
D)herringbone diagram