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Anthropology of Religion
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Anthropological Viewpoints about Religion

Multiple Choice Quiz

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Tylor defined religion as _______________.
A)a system of rituals performed to influence the supernatural.
B)beliefs that arise from the awe and reverence inspired by the experience of strange and unusual things.
C)the belief in spiritual beings.
D)The belief in supernatural power.

Weber differed from Marx in that Weber believed that religion _______________.
A)was simply an effect, not a cause of social change.
B)was influenced by the social stresses experienced by people.
C)was a highly conservative institution.
D)was sometimes an active force for social change.

According to Emile Durkheim, the basis of religious ideas is to fulfill the need to _______________.
A)explain natural features of the physical environment.
B)give symbolic expression to fears and anxieties.
C)create symbols that evoke feelings of respect, fear, and awe towards important social institutions and customs.
D)control important aspects of their environment.

A rule that forbids contact with sacred things is called a(n) _______________.

Which of the following INCORRECTLY states what Roy Rappaport contends about the meanings communicated in ritual?
A)Rituals transform whatever emotions participants in religious rituals into socially approved attitudes that are shared by members of the religious community.
B)Rituals define the worldview of the religious community.
C)Rituals have one correct meaning, and it defines the core theology of the religion.
D)Rituals communicate the wishes of the congregation to the supernatural realm.

Which of the following is NOT a defining characteristic of ritual?
A)It is symbolically meaningful.
B)It is performed in a repetitive, stereotyped, and predictable way.
C)It is performed with the intent of manipulating nature.
D)It is found only in religion.

Anthropomorphism is _______________.
A)found only in religion.
B)the use of human-like models to understand non-human phenomena.
C)the belief in supernatural beings.
D)systematically used in scientific models.

Guthrie believes that the primary component of religion is which of the following?
A)a belief in supernatural power
B)a belief in supernatural beings
C)the use of ritual to mobilize supernatural power
D)anthropomorphic ways of interpreting the world

According to Steward Guthrie, religious anthropomorphism is plausible because of all of the following EXCEPT:
A)Humans are complex and multifaceted and therefore are useful as models for many phenomena.
B)Some phenomena are inherently human-like by nature.
C)Humans are psychologically important to human beings and therefore make psychologically salient models for other phenomena.
D)Things that humans wish to explain typically occur in settings in which humans are also found.

The works that are considered religiously authoritative in a religion that has written sacred texts are called ______________.
C)sacred texts.
D)doctrinal literature.