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Anthropology of Religion
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Religion as Expressive Culture

Multiple Choice Quiz

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Sherpa Buddhism teaches that to achieve the highest spiritual attainment involves _______________.
A)annihilation of the ego itself.
B)experiencing the self in the presence of the Divine.
C)the dominance of intellect over all other human attributes.
D)survival of the self for eternity.

The intellectual functions of religion includes _______________.
A)explaining why we exist.
B)helping people to control anxieties.
C)helping to create social stability.
D)fostering social change.

Aboriginal Australian "Dreamtime" stories are _______________.
A)stories that recount the dreams that people have.
B)stories that recount those particularly vivid dreams that people have.
C)stories about the timeless supernatural past.
D)stories that are merely told for entertainment in the evening.

Which of the following has not been used in this course to illustrate the fuzzy edges of religion?
A)fantasy play.
B)courtship love.
C)mental disorders.

The story of Alex Haley illustrates ________________.
A)there are similarities among religious experiences and the creative experience.
B)mental disorders are strikingly different from religious experiences.
C)creative experiences are quite distinct from religious experiences.
D)stress is a better explanation of mental disorders than of creativity.

Which of the following is NOT true of trances?
A)Trances are altered states of consciousness.
B)Stress may cause trances.
C)Trances involve a confusion of self with not-self.
D)Trances are all highly unusual states that occur rarely in normal human beings.

Which of the following is true regarding emotions in religious rituals?
A)Any of the human emotions may be linked to religious rituals.
B)There is a distinctively religious emotion that is uncommon outside ritual settings.
C)Religious rituals are typically associated with feelings of solemnity and reverence.
D)Religious rituals are never occasions for "light minded" emotions and laughter.

Rudolph Otto's term "numinous" refers to _______________.
A)anything mysterious.
B)the quality of being impossible to explain in words.
C)a feeling of calm experienced in the presence of something thought to be supernatural.
D)a feeling of one's own dependence, of being overwhelmed by one's own nothingness in contrast to that which is supreme.

According to Hood, mystical experiences are most likely to occur _______________.
A)when individuals succeed at tasks that were more stressful than they had anticipated.
B)when individuals succeed at tasks that were less stressful than they had anticipated.
C)when individuals succeed at any task.
D)when individuals fail repeatedly at tasks.

The text does NOT mention the following as one of Mary Douglas's arguments:
A)The human body is commonly treated as a metaphorical microcosm of the social body
B)Symbolism derived from the human body express how society is understood.
C)Symbolism concerning body orifices are ways of defining the boundaries of society and the importance of the unity of society.
D)The human body limits the ways that gods can be understood.