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World Regional Geography: The New Global Order Update, 2/e
Michael Bradshaw, College of St. Mark and John

Northern Africa and Southwestern Asia

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Study the Key Terms listed in this chapter. Consult the glossary as needed.

1. Match the following languages with their descriptions.

_____ Arabic a. includes a group of African origin languages which have no written form
_____ Berber b. kept alive by a group of tribes in southeastern Turkey, northern Iraq, western Iran, and parts of Syria
_____ Hebrew c. the Aryan origin is reflected in Iran
_____ Kurdish d. main language of almost all countries in the North Africa and Southwest Asia
_____ Persian e. usually uses Roman script rather than Arabic
_____ Turkish f. the official language of Israel

2. Match the following religious terms with their descriptions.

_____ Christianity a. worships Yahweh
_____ Islam b. main Muslim group
_____ Judaism c. monotheism
_____ Muslims d. followers of Islam
_____ Shia Muslims e. known as "partisans of Ali"
_____ Sunni Muslims f. dominant in North Africa and Southwest Asia.

3. Match the following organizations with their descriptions.

Arab League a. closer economic integration was agreed on in principle, but most Muslim countries trade primarily with Europe, Anglo America, and Japan
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) b. main purpose is to coordinate the interests of oil producing countries and gain higher and more stable prices for oil
Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) c. left-wing political organization that demands that Palestine be reestablished
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) d. focuses on common economic and political interests of the Gulf States, excluding Iraq
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) e. created in 1945 to encourage the united action of Arab countries
Pan-Arab state f. attempts to unite Arab countries into a single state

4. Briefly describe each of the following terms:

a. Desalination plant

b. Diversified economy

c. Kibbutzim

d. Nile Waters Agreement

e. Salinization

f. Young folded mountains