Silberberg: Chemistry
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, 3/e

Martin Silberberg

ISBN: 0072396814
Copyright year: 2003

What's New

New to the Third Edition

· New design! Layout and design changes allow for more “white space” in the margins and easier-to-follow, worked sample problems. And figures and tables are placed even closer to their citations for optimum readability.

· New molecular art! Over 50 new pieces of the spectacular molecular art that has been a signature of previous editions are included.

· New multimedia icon! Icons in the margin highlight key ideas that are enhanced with an animation located at the On-Line Learning Center.

· New and revised end-of-chapter problems! Many completely new problems relate to daily life and to practical aspects of chemistry.

· Updated Chemical Connections, Tools of the Laboratory, and Galleries! Among many changes, the global-warming (Chapter 6), ozone-depletion (Chapter 16), and acid-rain (Chapter 19) discussions have been updated, and the gallery on batteries (Chapter 21) now includes the nickel-metal hydride type and the latest information on H2-based fuel cells, all based on expert input.

· New coverage of advanced materials! Chapter 12 now contains a brand new discussion of the physical behavior of polymers and an expanded survey of the exciting field of nanotechnology.

· Additional new and revised chapter content! Included a major reworking of Chapter 4 by making the discussion of ionic equations its own section. The three types of reactions—precipitation, acid-base, and redox—are also treated in their own sections. Chapter 16 features a new approach to types of redox reactions. Zero-order kinetics in Chapter 17 refocuses the relation of the equilibrium constant to the reaction quotient. Also, the meaning of entropy and the relation between free energy and work has been clarified in Chapter 20. A consistent method for calculating the potential of electrochemical cells has been established in Chapter 21.

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