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Computer Education for Teachers: Integrating Technology into Classroom Teaching, 4/e
Vicki Sharp, University of California - Northridge

Integrating Technology into the Curriculum

Educators today are emphasizing the use of technology to enhance the curriculum. Technology is one of many tools we use to teach our students. It enhances our teaching by providing an alternative method for the delivery of instruction. It improves student learning by providing different avenues for students to explore, and gives us a tool that helps address students' different learning styles.
This is an excellent article on technology integration entitled Teachers of the 21st Century Know the What, Why, and How of Technology Integration.
At this site you will find a booklet that summarizes factors that have been found to enhance or inhibit a school's successful technology integration. The booklet is available in Word 6.0, RTF, or HTML format.
Educational leaders frequently face two questions regarding integrating technology into their schools' classrooms:

  • What support do teachers need when learning to use information technology in the classroom?
  • What is the role of gender equity in the integration of technology?

These questions are addressed in this article in Interpersonal Computing and Technology: An Electronic Journal for the 21st Century, published by the Center for Teaching and Technology at Georgetown University.

Lesson Plans
TNT is a database of technology-related lesson plans developed by Florida educators. Search 400 lesson plans to easily find activities to enhance your curriculum.
This site provides educators with a wide variety of lesson plans in all subject areas. The site includes plans for introducing students to word processing and basic computer skills.
This website, from the Discovery Channel, features hundreds of lesson plans. It includes a section with lesson plans that incorporate technology. provides thousands of professionally produced learning materials for the elementary classroom. From this site you can download printable worksheets, free ebooks, clip art, activities and lesson plans for preschool, kindergarten, first, second, and third grade.
This search engine offers thousands of lesson plans for educators in grades K-12. Teachers can find lessons for all content areas.
This is an online directory of free lesson plans for K-12 teachers. The lesson plan links include computers, technology and web-based lesson plans.
Search for teacher-tested lesson plans and reproducibles. The section on technology and computers includes Internet field trips and lesson plans.