Guido Fubini (1879 - 1943)
    Guido Fubini was born in Venice, Italy on Jan. 19, 1879. Since his father was a mathematics teacher, Fubini was primarily influenced by his father to follow in his footsteps. He was educated at a secondary school in Venice, Italy, where he showed brilliance in mathematics. In 1896, Fubini attended the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, where his doctoral thesis was in differential geometry. He stayed at Pisa to become a university teacher and studied the theory of harmonic functions in spaces of constant curvature.

    In 1901, Fubini moved to the University of Catania in Sicily. Eventually, he jumped from the University of Catania to the University of Genoa and then to the University of Turin. Fubini worked on differential equations, analytic functions, and functions of several complex variables, which he taught at the University in Turin. During World War I, Fubini helped the Italian army by studying the accuracy of artillery fire, acoustic propagation, and electronic circuits. However, during World War II as Fascism took over Italy, he was forced to retire from his position at Turin and leave Italy. When Fubini received an invitation from the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, he and his family emigrated to the United States. By then, his health was poor. He managed to teach for a few years in New York before his death in 1943.
