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Readings and References
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Agnew, N., and Demas, M. September 1998. Preserving the Laetoli footprints. Scientific American 279(3):44. This article recaps the discovery of hominid footprints in East Africa, and explains steps taken to preserve them.

Beckage, N. E. November 1997. The parasitic wasp's secret weapon. Scientific American 277(5):82. Some parasitic wasps produce a virus that suppresses a living host's immune system.

Ben-Jacob, E., and Levine, H. October 1998. The artistry of microorganisms. Scientific American 279(4):82. Colonies of bacteria form geometric patterns, which reflect survival strategies.

Berger, L. August 1998. The dawn of humans: Redrawing our family tree? National Geographic 194(2):90. South African fossils show that A. africanus was more apelike than Lucy.

Castro, P., and Huber, M. 1997. Marine biology. 2d ed. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, Inc. This introductory text is designed to provide a stimulating overview of marine biology.

Chadwick, D. H. March 1998. Planet of the beetles. National Geographic 193(3):100. With diverse sizes, forms, and functions, beetles make up one-third of the world's identified insects.

Chiappe, L. M. September 1998. Wings over Spain. Natural History 107(7):30. The presence of a first digit on fossil remains of a 115-million-year-old bird shows advanced flying ability.

Diamond, J. September 1998. Evolving backward. Discover 19(9):64. Studies of the blind mole rat shows how evolved traits are lost if they are not used.

Erwin, D. E. July 1996. The mother of mass extinction. Scientific American 275(1):72. Global sea level decline and volcanic eruptions may have caused mass extinctions.

Foster, K. R., et al. August 1998. The Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic of 1793. Scientific American 279(2):88. The history of this epidemic and the possibility of its recurrence are discussed.

Genthe, H. August 1998. The incredible sponge. Smithsonian 29(5):50. Sponge biology and the therapeutic uses of sponges in treating cancer are discussed.

Gore, R. January 1996. Neanderthals. National Geographic 189(1):2. Archeological finds are providing much information on the Neanderthal culture.

September 1997. The dawn of humans. National Geographic 192(3):92. A footprint dated about 117,000 years ago was discovered in southern Africa.

Gwynne, D. T. August 1997. Glandular gifts. Scientific American 277(2):66. Male insects offer body parts and secretions as a strategy for fertilizing the female's eggs.

Johanson, D. C. March 1996. Face-to-face with Lucy's family. National Geographic 189(3):96. New fossils from Ethiopia provide more information about human evolution.

Kellert, S. R. 1996. The value of life: Biological diversity and human society. Washington, D.C.: Island Press/Shearwater Books. Explores the importance of biological diversity to the well-being of humanity.

Knols, B. G., and Meijerink, J. September/October 1997. Odors influence mosquito behavior. Science & Medicine 4(5):56. Definition of odors may lead to the control of insects that transmit infectious diseases.

Leakey, M., and Walker, A. June 1997. Early hominid fossils from Africa. Scientific American 276(6):74. A bone unearthed in 1965 recently proved the existence of a new species of Australopithecus, showing ancestral humans existed 4 million years ago.

Levetin, E., and McMahon, K. 1996. Plants and society. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. Basic botany and the impact of plants on society are topics covered in this introductory text.

Levy, S. B. March 1998. The challenge of antibiotic resistance. Scientific American 278(3):46. Misuse and overuse of antibiotics must end in order to preserve their effectiveness.

Lewin, R. 1997. Patterns in evolution: The new molecular view. New York: Scientific American Library. This book explores how genetic information provides insights into evolutionary events.

Lim, D. 1998. Microbiology. 2d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: WCB/McGraw-Hill. This introductory text shows how microorganisms relate to one another and to other organisms; new material in evolution and biodiversity is included.

Line, L. October/November 1998. Fast decline of slow species. National Wildlife 36(6):22. Box turtles are declining in numbers, mainly from habitat loss and over-collecting.

Losick, R., and Kaiser, D. February 1997. Why and how bacteria communicate. Scientific American 276(2):68. Bacteria send and receive chemical messages and can organize into structures.

Luoma, J. R. March 1997. The magic of paper. National Geographic 191(3):88. The papermaking process is discussed in this article.

Madigan, M. T., and Marrs, B. L. April 1997. Extremophiles. Scientific American 276(4):86. Certain microorganisms can withstand extreme environments.

Margulis, L., et al. 1998. Five kingdoms: An illustrated guide to the phyla of life on earth. 3d ed. New York: W. H. Freeman & Company. Introduces the kingdoms of organisms.

Martini, F. H. October 1998. Secrets of the slime hag. Scientific American 279(4):70. The roles of hagfish in ocean ecosystems.

Monastersky, R. March 1998. The rise of life on earth. National Geographic 193(3):54. Article discusses the origins of microbial life, stromatolite reefs, and Stanley Miller's model of the primitive atmosphere.

Moore, R., Clark, W. D., et al. 1998. Botany. 2d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: WCB/McGraw-Hill. This introductory botany text stresses the importance of plants and the process of science.

Moore-Landecker, E. 1996. Fundamentals of the fungi. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. For intermediate students, this text presents a broad introduction to the field of mycology.

Murawski, D. A. March 1997. Moths come to light. National Geographic 191(3):40. Moths display a variety of disguises and survival techniques.

Nester, E. W., Roberts, C. E., et al. 1998. Microbiology: A human perspective. 2d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: WCB/McGraw-Hill. This introductory text relates basic microbiology to human health.

Northington, D., and Goodin, J. R. 1996. The botanical world. 2d ed. St. Louis: Times-Mirror/Mosby College Publishing. This is an account of plant interactions and basic physiology.

Padian, K., and Chiappe, L. M. February 1998. The origin of birds and their flight. Scientific American 278(2):38. Recent fossil discoveries confirm that birds descended from dinosaurs.

Paolella, P. 1998. Introduction to molecular biology. Dubuque, Iowa: WCB/McGraw-Hill. This introductory text explores the processes and mechanisms of gene function and control.

Parfit, M. October 1998. Antarctic desert. National Geographic 4:120. Microscopic organisms that survive in the Antarctic desert have been discovered.

Schmidt, G. D., and Roberts, L. S. 1996. Foundations of parasitology. 5th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. For upper-division parasitology classes, this text emphasizes the major parasites of humans and animals.

Seymour, R. S. March 1997. Plants that warm themselves. Scientific American 276(3):104. Some plants generate heat to keep blossoms at a constant temperature.

Sharpe, G. W., et al. 1995. Introduction to forests and renewable resources. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. For forestry students, this text presents policies and practices in forest conservation and management.

Shreeve, J. December 1997. Uncovering Patagonia's lost world. December 1997. National Geographic 192(6):120. Recent fossil finds cause scientists to rethink the evolution of dinosaurs.

Stern, K. 1997. Introductory plant biology. 7th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. This text presents basic botany in a clear, informative manner.

Sumich, J. L. 1996. An introduction to the biology of marine life. 6th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. This introductory text covers taxonomy, evolution, ecology, behavior, and physiology of selected groups of marine organisms.

Sze, P. 1998. A biology of the algae. 3d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: WCB/McGraw-Hill. This concise text introduces algae morphology, evolution, and ecology to the botany major.

Tattersall, I. April 1997. Out of Africa again . . . and again? Scientific American 276(4):60. Hominids may have migrated out of Africa several times, with each emigration sending a different species.

Walters, D. R., and Keil, D. J. 1996. Vascular plant taxonomy. 4th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing. Introduces plant families and experimental aspects of taxonomy.

Webster, D. July 1996. Dinosaurs of the Gobi. National Geographic 190(1):70. Dinosaur fossils are unearthed in the Gobi desert.

Wenke, R. 1996. Patterns in prehistory: Humankind's first three million years. 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Provides a comprehensive review of world prehistory.

Zimmer, C. September 1998. The slime alternative. Discover 19(9):86. Occasionally, individual Dictyostelium amoebas join together and behave like multicellular organisms.

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