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Public Speaking for College and Career, 6/e
Hamilton Gregory


WEBLINKS provides hyperlinks to all of the Internet sites listed in the 6th edition of Public Speaking for College and Career, along with other sites that are relevant and helpful. To keep this listing as current as possible, the author periodically checks all of the sites, updating links that have changed and deleting links that are defunct.

CHAPTER 1 (Introduction to Public Speaking)
CHAPTER 2 (Controlling Nervousness)
CHAPTER 3 (Listening)
CHAPTER 4 (Reaching the Audience)
CHAPTER 5 (Selecting Topic, Purpose, and Central Idea)
CHAPTER 6 (Finding Information)
CHAPTER 7 (Using Information Wisely and Ethically)
CHAPTER 8 (Supporting Your Ideas)
CHAPTER 9 (Visual Aids)
CHAPTER 10 (The Body of the Speech)
CHAPTER 11 (Introductions and Conclusions)
CHAPTER 12 (Outlining the Speech)
CHAPTER 13 (Wording the Speech)
CHAPTER 14 (Delivering the Speech)
CHAPTER 15 (Speaking to Inform)
CHAPTER 16 (Speaking to Persuade)
CHAPTER 17 (Persuasive Strategies)
CHAPTER 18 (Special Types of Speeches)
CHAPTER 19 (Speaking in Groups)

CHAPTER 1 (Introduction to Public Speaking)

p. 24 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Go to Yahoo ( and click on the category "Arts & Humanities." You will see many sub-categories. Click on "Humanities," and follow this sequence: History > Archives > By Country > United States. Investigate several of the websites listed (such as Douglass: Archives of American Public Address) until you find the Gettysburg Address.

p. 24 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Try one of these sites for tutorials:

CHAPTER 2 (Controlling Nervousness)

p. 43 -- Link to information about speech phobia:

Speech Phobia article

p. 45 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Visit and look for public speaking tips.

p. 45 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Use a search engine such as Google ( and type in the keywords "performer" and "nervous."

CHAPTER 3 (Listening)

p. 58 -- For information on cultures, visit these Websites:

p. 63 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Visit the quotations page at the Website of the International Listening Association (

p. 63 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Visit the PBS Archives of Great Speeches ( and investigate dates of audio clips.

CHAPTER 4 (Reaching the Audience)

p. 74 -- For information about international cultures, visit these Websites:p. 90 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Go to Yahoo ( Click on "Society and Culture," then "Cultures and Groups" and finally "Cultures." You will see a large number of subdirectories for various cultures. Click on any of these to go to Web pages. For example, choosing "Polish" can lead to additional subdirectories about Polish Americans.

p. 90 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Visit Administration on Aging, a U.S. government agency (

CHAPTER 5 (Selecting Topic, Purpose, and Central Idea)

p. 101 -- For potential speech topics, visit these Websites:

p. 113 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible Strategy: Visit Librarians' Index to the Internet ( and click on a category such as "Internet."

p. 113 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Go to, click on "Society and Culture," and then "Issues and Causes." Select one or more of the categories to see a list of topics.

CHAPTER 6 (Finding Information)

p. 125 -- Table 6.1, Internet Search Tools

For an updated version of the table, visit
Click on "Internet Search Tools."

p. 129 -- Table 6.2, Search Options

For an updated version of the table, visit
Click on "Search Options."

p. 132 -- Table 6.3, Where to Find Materials

For an updated version of the table, visit
Click on "Where to Find Materials."

p. 137 -- To contact national groups:

Visit Yahoo ( and type "organizations" in the search box.

p. 145 -- Table 6.4, How to Cite Sources

For an updated version of the table, click on How to Cite Sources (14.0K).

p. 149 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Use Alta Vista (, a search engine that is especially powerful in advanced search capabilities.

p. 149 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Go to Yahoo (, choose "Regional," and then "Countries." Click on "Philippines," and then "Society and Culture." Next, select "Food and Drink" and then visit at least one of the Websites listed.

CHAPTER 7 (Using Information Wisely and Ethically)

p. 162 -- For background information on sponsors, visit:p. 162 -- For updates on new Internet domain names (suffixes), visit:p. 163 -- To search various domains:
  • Visit Google ( and choose Advanced Search. Look for the "domain box."
p. 164 -- For a list of international abbreviations, visit:

p. 164 -- Table 7.2, Evaluations of Websites

For an updated version of the table, visit
Click on "Evaluations of Websites."

p. 170 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Visit:
Click on "Where to Find Materials" and investigate the archives of newspapers and magazines.

p. 170 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Go to a search engine, such as Google ( and use these keywords: "Internet workplace misuse."

CHAPTER 8 (Supporting Your Ideas)

p. 193 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Visit Yahoo (, click on Reference, and then Quotations. Browse through several listed Websites until you find quotations about children. (Many sites have search features so that you can use the keyword "children.")

p. 193 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Go to the back issues site of American Demographics magazine ( and browse through recent issues.

CHAPTER 9 (Visual Aids)

p. 205 -- Table 9.1, Free Multimedia Materials on the Internet

For an updated version of the table, visit
Click on "Free Multimedia Materials on the Internet."

p. 226 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Go to Yahoo ( and follow this sequence: Science > Astronomy > Solar System > Planets > Earth > Pictures. Explore various options until you find a photo of earth.

p. 226 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Visit WebMuseum Paris ( and click on "Famous Paintings." Choose "Impressionism" and then "Monet, Claude." Click on "Paris" to view Monet's works about Paris. (To see an enlargement of each painting, click on the miniature version.)

CHAPTER 10 (The Body of the Speech)

p. 251 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Visit
Click on "Internet Search Tools."

p. 251 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Visit
Click on "Internet Search Tools."

CHAPTER 11 (Introductions and Conclusions)

p. 272 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Go to Yahoo (, click on "Society and Culture," choose "Mythology and Folklore," and explore several sites.

p. 272 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: To find magazines that are interesting to you, go to The American Journalism Review NewsLink ( and browse through several magazines.

CHAPTER 12 (Outlining the Speech)

p. 295 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Go to Internet Public Library's reference section ( and use its outline to go from a major category to the sub-subcategory of stargazing.

p. 295 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

The example given involves StudyWeb, which is available only through a school subscription. A similar use of hypertext links could be carried out in Yahoo

CHAPTER 13 (Wording the Speech)

p. 304 -- To explore connotations of words:

Choose a word. Visit ( and scan articles for indications of how the word is currently used.

p. 305 -- For grammar information:

Visit Librarians' Index to the Internet ( Type in "grammar."

p. 317 --Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Go to Northern Light ( and enter "Hispanic" for one search, "Latino" for the other.

p. 317 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Go to any search engine, such as AltaVista (, and search for "invidious." Select a document from the results list. When you arrive at the document, press the Control key and F simultaneously, and execute a search for "invidious." You should zip straight to it.

CHAPTER 14 (Delivering the Speech)

p. 345 --Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Go to AltaVista (, choose "Image," and search with these keywords: "gestures speech speaker."

p. 345 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: A good video dictionary can be found at Deaf World Web ( Note that the first three letters of the address are different from most addresses.

CHAPTER 15 (Speaking to Inform)

p. 348 -- For topics for informative speeches, see these Websites:

p. 368 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Type "stress relief" in the search box of one of these medical sites: HealthFinder ( or Mayo Clinic ( Another possibility: Go to Yahoo (, click on "Mental Health," and then "Stress Management."

p. 368 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

The possible search strategy printed in the book is no longer viable. Instead, try the Center for Immigration Studies

CHAPTER 16 (Speaking to Persuade)

p. 371 -- For topics for persuasive speeches, see these Websites:

p. 392 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Visit:
Click on "Internet Search Tools" and investigate "Collections of Full-Text Articles."

p. 392 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Visit
Click on "Free Multimedia Materials on the Internet." For searching, use these keywords: +airplane +lift +wing.

CHAPTER 17 (Persuasive Strategies)

p. 421 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Go to Yahoo (, click on "News and Media" and select a subcategory. Then find a topic that interests you and examine the news articles.

p. 421 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Go to a search engine such as Google ( or AltaVista ( and type your query (+credibility +speaker) in the search box.

CHAPTER 18 (Special Types of Speeches)

p. 437 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Go to Yahoo! ( and click on "Society & Culture" and then "People." Visit one of the biography sites listed.

p. 437 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Go to a speech archives site, where you can read or hear great speeches from the past. Some options:

CHAPTER 19 (Speaking in Groups)

p. 454 -- Building Internet Skills (#1)

Possible strategy: Go to Yahoo (, choose "Reference," and then "Parliamentary Procedure." Visit several of the sites listed.

p. 454 -- Building Internet Skills (#2)

Possible strategy: Go to a search engine such as Northern Light (, and type a query (+agenda +meeting) in the search box. Examine sites until you find the kind of agenda specified.