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Communication Works by Gamble and Gamble
Communication Works, 7/e
Teri Kwal Gamble
Michael Gamble

Group Networks, Membership, and Leadership

Internet Exercises

Group Networks, Membership, and Leadership

Exercise 1 Subject: Understanding effective negotiation

Group networks, membership, and leadership all rely upon human power to determine their structure. Human power is determined by negotiation. Your first exercise for chapter twelve is to visit , the official site of Gerard Nierenberg, one of the leading negotiation theorists in the world.

Read the document "The History and Philosophy of Negotiating."

What did you learn from this document?

Exercise 2 Subject: A combat leadership test

One of the difficult aspects of leadership is that you will, inevitably, have to exercise personal judgment as to when certain actions need to be taken. Sometimes these decisions will yield positive results, and sometimes they will not. Microsoft offers a demonstration of this dynamic titled "leadership test" on their games site. Take your web-browser to the following URL:

Play the game and see how well you fare at decision-making.

Exercise 3 Subject: Visiting the Covey Institute

The Franklin Covey Institute is both an online shop and brick-and-mortar chain. Your last exercise for chapter eleven is to simply visit the site, and see what tools Franklin Covey may have that apply to your life.