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Communication Works by Gamble and Gamble
Communication Works, 7/e
Teri Kwal Gamble
Michael Gamble

Communication and the Self-Concept: Who Are You?


self-concept  everything one thinks and feels about one's self
self-image  the sort of person one perceives one's self to be
self-esteem  how well one likes & values one's self
self-fulfilling prophecy  a prediction or expectation that comes true simply because one acts as if it were true
Pygmalion effect  the principle that we fulfill the expectations of others
Galatea effect  the principle that we fulfill our own expectations
collectivistic cultures  a culture in which group goals are stressed
individualistic cultures  cultures in which individual goals are stressed
idiocentric  the exhibition of an individualistic orientation
allocentric  the exhibition of a collectivistic orientation
Johari window  a model containing four panes that is used to explain the roles that self-awareness and self-disclosure play in relationships
open area  the part of the self containing information known both to the self and others
blind area  the part of the self known to others but not known to one's self
hidden area  the part of the self that contains information about the self known to oneself but that is hidden from others
self-disclosure  the process of revealing to another information about the self that this person would not otherwise know
unknown area  that part of the self that is unknown to oneself and others