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Dimensions of Human Sexuality, 6/e
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Sexually Transmitted Infections
Dimensions of Human Sexuality 6/e Cover Image


aneurysm  Saclike bulge in an artery. 162
antibodies (immunoglobulins)  Y-shaped protein molecules produced by B lymphocytes to destroy or inactivate specific antigens. 138, 175
antigen  Any substance that stimulates an immune response. 137, 173
asymptomatic  Having no symptoms. 137
asymptomatic carrier  A person who harbors a pathogen without experiencing symptoms. 137
Candida albicans  A yeast that causes common vaginal infections. 100
Candidiasis (yeast infection)  Infection by Candida albicans. 100, 163
chancre  A lesion that appears at the exact spot where infection with syphilis took place. 160
Chlamydia tracomatis  The bacterium that causes genital chlamydia infections. 156
communicable diseases  Diseases that can be transmitted from person to person (also called infectious diseases). 136
communicable period  When a disease is transmissible from person to person. 137
congenital  Present at birth. 162
contagious  Capable of being transmitted readily from one person to another. 137
denial  Keeping anxiety-producing realities out of one's conscious awareness. 166
depression  A feeling of sadness and apathy. 166
gonorrhea  Infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae. 157
immunity  An array of highly specific bodily defenses against pathogens. 137
incubation period  Interval between infection and appearance of disease symptoms. 137
latent  Dormant, not evident. 162
lesion  An area of damaged tissue; a wound or infection. 149, 257
lymphocytes  White blood cells involved in producing immunity. 138, 174
Neisseria gonorrhoeae  The bacterium that causes gonorrhea. 157
nits  Lice eggs. 165
NSU or NGU  Urethritis of an unknown cause.(Nonspecific urethritis; nongonococcal urethritis.) 160
paresis  A term denoting all of the mental and physical effects of syphilitic degeneration of the nervous system. 162
pathogens  Disease-causing agents, commonly called "germs." 136
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)  Extensive bacterial infection of the female pelvic organs, particularly the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. 156
pubic lice  Small, gray insects that live as external parasites on the body, especially in the pubic hair. 165
scabies  Infection of the skin by tiny burrowing mites. 165
sexually transmitted infections (STIs)  Infections that can be transmitted by sexual contact; other methods of transmission are sometimes possible. 136
spirochete  A spiral bacterium. 160
syphilis  Infection of the body by the spirochete Treponema pallidum. 160
systemic  Pertaining to the whole body. 160
trachoma  A chronic eye infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. 156
transmission  The transfer of a pathogen from one person to another. 137
Treponema pallidum  the spirochete that causes syphilis. 160
Trichomonas vaginalis  A protozoan that causes vaginal infection. 164
urethritis  Inflammation of the urethra. 158
vaccine  A preparation composed of one or more antigens used to stimulate the development of immunity. 138
vaginitis  Vaginal inflammation. 163
venereal disease (VD)  An older term for a sexually transmitted infection. 136
withdrawal  The removal of the penis from the vagina prior to ejaculation (an ineffective method of contraception); as used relative to sexually transmitted infections, a shutting off of social contacts. 166, 381