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Journal Exercise
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We have included the questions that appear below the artworks that open each chapter, the journal prompts from the text's color insert, the “In Your Own Words,” and the “Art of Writing” exercises so that you can submit your answers to your instructor via e-mail, should he or she direct you to do so.

First, type your response in the blank provided here or type your response in a word-processing program and copy and paste it here. Next, edit and proofread your answer carefully. Then click the Submit Answers button at the bottom of the page. On the Results page, insert the requested information and appropriate e-mail addresses and click the E-mail The Results button.

From the textbook: Responding to Art, View and Reflect, In Your Own Words, The Art of Writing

Responding to Art (page 180)

Where in The Horse Fair (1853) is the painter, Rosa Bonheur, trying to focus the viewer's attention?
What is it in this picture that indicates that horses are being exhibited for the benefit of potential buyers?
Who do you think the people in the upper right of the picture on the hill are?
What is your reaction to the way the two white horses in the foreground have been portrayed? Are the horses portrayed realistically?
What does the painting tell us about the reaction of the horses to the way they're being treated?

View and Reflect (color insert page 7)

"Art at its most significant is a Distant Early Warning System that can always be relied on to tell the old culture what is beginning to happen to it." — Marshall McLuhan

Write a journal entry in which you consider what you can infer about the society in which The Horse Fair (1853) was created.

In Your Own Words (page 207)

In "George," an excerpt fromWolf Songs (pages 201-204), Mowat says that he discovered that in many instances the myths of wolf behavior are not the same as the reality. List as many discrepancies between the two as you can find.
Mowat asserted his property rights by "marking" the boundaries of his territory. How is the lead wolf's response contrary to what we might typically expect?
Mowat comes to admire the wolves in many respects and in some instances feels that their life-style is superior to ours. What specific aspects of wolf behavior does Mowat admire?
An artist could probably paint a picture using Mowat's descriptions of George and Angeline. Give a brief synopsis of each one, including character traits. What key details does Mowat use in order to portray the wolves in human terms?
Explain the symbiotic relationship between wolves and foxes.

The Art of Writing (page 207)

In a brief essay, respond to one of the items below:

You have now read three selections on the wolf. In preparation for a possible group discussion, attempt to come up with a brief written profile of the wolf.
In the United States, one of the most controversial conservation issues is the reintroduction of wolves into areas where they have long been extinct. One group feels that parks such as Yellowstone need wolves to preserve an ecological balance. These groups note that an overabundance of deer is currently overgrazing vast areas of the park. Because wolves are a natural predator of deer, they would help control the deer population. On the other hand many feel that the wolf is detrimental to human beings, and the loudest opposition comes from the ranching community fearful of massive livestock loss.
Come up with several suggestions for resolving the dispute between the two groups. If necessary, go to the library and do additional research.

In Your Own Words (page 217)

Rita Gilbert, the author of "Rosa Bonheur (1822-1899)" (pages 215-16 of the textbook) mentions some of the difficulties that Bonheur needed to overcome to pursue her chosen career as an artist. Discuss some of these difficulties. How did Bonheur deal with them?
What can we infer about the character of Bonheur's father? What is his likely view of education?
Why were there so few women artists in the nineteenth century?

OLC Extra! Reflections on Reading and Study Skills

These Reflections on Reading and Study Skills exercises provide an opportunity for you to think about the skills you learned in the textbook. To complete these exercises and e-mail them to your instructor, type your response in the blank provided here or type your response in a word-processing program and copy and paste it here. Next, edit and proofread your answer carefully. Then insert your instructor's e-mail address in the "to" line and hit "send."

As you practice drawing inferences from literature, can you identify any strategies that might help you use inferences in your own writing? How can you make use of this technique to write more colorfully?
Which test review tools are most appealing to you? How can you use one or more of these tools to prepare for your next exam?

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