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Life-Span Development Cover
Life-Span Development, 8/e
John W. Santrock, University of Texas - Dallas

Socioemotional Development in Infancy

Essay Questions


Your sister and brother-in-law both work for the same internationally based company that has branches in fifty countries and every continent around the world. Your sister has confided in you that she would like to have children but, while she feels guilty about it, she would really rather work than stay at home with them while they are growing up. She said her husband also wants children, and he has said he's willing to stay home with them for a while so your sister could continue working, but he's concerned about the loss of income if he doesn't work for several months. They both would like to spend some time at home with their children, but would want to put them into day care even though they feel guilty about doing that. Assuming that you think they would actually be good parents, what information would you give them about where in the world they might live to maximize their ability for both to have time with their newborn children; and what would you advise them about placing their children in day care?

The local PTA has asked you to talk to their parents and teachers about working with young children. They have specifically asked you to address the idea of attachment––what it is, the research supporting a notion of attachment, the different forms of attachment, and how to help a child develop secure attachment––and the different types of temperament, including how to deal effectively with children according to their temperamental styles. What will you tell these parents and teachers?