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The Police in America, 4/e
Samuel Walker, University of Nebraska
Charles M. Katz, Arizona State University-West

Police Problems
Police-Community Relations

Multiple Choice Quiz

Choose the best answer:


The most serious examples of racial profiling that have been documented involve
A)traffic stops.
B)house visits.
C)field interviews.
D)older women.
E)older people.

Police-community relations in America
A)have not been the subject of writers.
B)have always been the same.
C)are an apparent contradiction.
D)are really not all that important.
E)are the same in each community.

What do polls consistently find about Americans in terms of satisfaction with the police in their communities?
A)Most Americans are satisfied with the police.
B)Most Americans are dissatisfied with the police.
C)We do not know.
D)It cannot be determined.
E)Caucasians are less satisfied than African-Americans.

How many African Americans have a favorable image of the police?
C)A few.
D)A majority.
E)We do not know.

How do people with more education consistently rate the police in comparison to people with less education?
A)The same as those with less education.
B)Less favorably than poor people.
C)More favorably than people with less education.
D)We do not know.
E)It cannot be determined.

How much publicity did the Rodney King beating receive?
A)It received very little publicity.
B)It received publicity only in the United States.
C)It received publicity in both the United States and around the world.
D)It was publicized in only two countries.
E)We cannot determine if it received publicity.

Why did more African-Americans in Detroit indicate that they were more satisfied with the police than whites?
A)The police had more training than most police departments.
B)The police were all college graduates.
C)There was African-American domination of the local political establishment.
D)The performance of the police was the best in the country.
E)African-Americans rarely saw the police.

What is the attitude of the vast majority of Americans toward the police?
D)W do not know.
E)It cannot be determined.

Why do police departments deploy more patrol officers in the neighborhoods of low-income people and racial minorities?
A)Because of higher crime levels and because the people in these neighborhoods are most likely to call the police.
B)Because they are paid more money for working in these areas.
C)Because they usually come from these types of areas.
D)Because they are not welcomed in areas of a city other than the poorer neighborhoods.
E)Because they are welcomed in these areas.

How do officers tend to stereotype young African-American males?
A)In a positive way.
B)In a negative way.
C)In an indifferent way.
D)As future police officers.
E)We do not know.

Most members of a racial minority community
A)perceive the police in a positive way.
B)welcome the sight of a police officer.
C)are less likely than members of other communities to have contact with the police.
D)are law-abiding adults with jobs and families.
E)have no views of the police.

Complaints about police harassment generally come from
A)young males.
B)young females.
C)older females.
D)older males.
E)middle-aged persons.

Conflict between the police and racial minority communities
A)is no longer present.
B)is confined to the United States.
C)is not confined to the United States.
D)only occurred during the 1960s.
E)is only present in foreign countries.

The case of Tennessee v. Garner concerned
A)when and under what circumstances police officers can use deadly force.
B)educational requirements for police officers.
C)physical requirements for police officers.
D)affirmative action policies regarding police departments.
E)salaries for college educated officers

A source of the major conflict between minorities and the police has been
A)salary differentials between minority officers and non-minority officers.
B)failure to respond to calls from minority communities.
C)failure to patrol minority communities.
D)the use of deadly force.
E)preferential treatment for non-minority police officers.

Identify the most common complaint voiced by minorities concerning the police.
A)Failure to respond to calls for service.
B)Inadequate training for police officers.
C)Excessive physical force by the police.
D)The absence of minority male officers.
E)The absence of minority female officers.

African Americans are
A)arrested less often than whites relative to their numbers in the population.
B)arrested more often than whites relative to their numbers in the population.
C)arrested in proportion to their numbers in the population.
D)arrested as the same rate as other minorities.
E)arrested only outside minority communities.

The greatest racial disparities in arrest involve
A)sex offenses.
B)property offenses.
C)violent crime offenses.
D)white collar crime.
E)drug offenses.

What have gay and lesbian people found about police reaction to them?
A)The police generally give them a great deal of protection.
B)The police are generally indifferent to them.
C)The police have exhibited a pattern of police abuse.
D)The police always have prohibitions against the recruitment of them as officers.
E)The police always restrict them to certain parts of a city.

Regarding the police and minorities,
A)racial and ethnic minority officers are overrepresented in most police departments.
B)civil rights leaders have resisted the creation of external and or citizen oversight agencies to help ensure proper police behavior.
C)Hispanics are more likely to file complaints against the police than are African-Americans.
D)racial and ethnic minorities are underrepresented in most departments.
E)the 1964 Civil Rights Act ignored employment discrimination on the basis of race.