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The variable whose level is adjusted or controlled by the experimenter is referred to as the __________ variable.
Which of the following methods is most effective for determining cause and effect relationships?
A)Case study
C)Survey method
A researcher tests the effectiveness of a medication so that neither the person administering nor the person receiving the treatment knows whether the subject is in the control or the experimental group. What is this technique?
A)Demand characteristic
Which research method would most likely be used by a researcher interested in determining the relationship between IQ and level of anxiety?
B)Case study
C)Single-subject design
If a researcher is studying the effects of humor on depression, depression is the:
B)independent variable.
C)dependent variable.
Professor Greenville believes that depression is caused by experiences of loss (e.g., death of a loved one, or the breakup of a relationship). She administers questionnaires to people that ask about their experiences of loss and current depressive symptoms. She finds that depression and loss are not associated with one another in her study. The results of the study above fail to support the:
B)null hypothesis.
Which of the following is not an advantage of case studies?
A)They capture the uniqueness of an individual.
B)They help generate new ideas and provide tentative support for those ideas.
C)They are very likely to be replicated.
D)They are sometimes the only way to study rare problems.
Researchers studying the relationship between success in college and frequency of alcohol use find that questionnaires measuring these variables are correlated -.45, p < .05. This means that:
A)as alcohol use increases, success in college tends to decrease, and this finding is likely not due to chance alone.
B)as alcohol use decreases, success in college tends to decrease, but this finding is likely due to chance alone.
C)as success in college increases, alcohol use also increases, and these findings are likely not due to chance alone.
D)there is no relationship between success in college and alcohol use, because the correlation is not statistically significant.
Which of the following is not an advantage of correlational studies?
A)The fact that they can be cross-sectional or longitudinal.
B)Their ability to establish that one variable causes another.
C)Their external validity.
D)The fact that they involve fewer ethical concerns than most experimental studies.
Professor Willard wants to study the relationship between anger and aggression. She brings research participants into the laboratory and has one group of them watch an anger-inducing video, while the other group watches a neutral video about making cheesecake. She then gives participants the opportunity to punch an inflatable doll if they wish. Participants who watched the anger video punch the doll more than participants who watched the cheesecake video. A problem with the internal validity of this study is:
A)the sample was not randomly drawn from the population.
B)the level of generalizability to real-world conditions is questionable.
C)there is no control group.
D)random assignment was not used.
An advantage of both human laboratory and therapy outcome studies is:
A)they do not involve statistical significance tests.
B)they have good internal validity.
C)they involve very few ethical issues.
D)they do not involve random assignment to condition.
Whether a correlation is statistically significant depends upon:
A)the researcher's use of a random sample.
B)the researcher's matching of experimental and control groups on important variables.
C)whether it is positive or negative.
D)the size of the sample used by the researcher.
Filler measures and cover stories are used to:
A)increase external validity.
B)prevent demand effects.
C)increase demand effects.
D)increase internal validity.
Which of the following statements is true?
A)If the results of a study fail to support the null hypothesis, then the primary hypothesis has been proven.
B)If two variables are correlated .99, p < .05, then we know that one variable causes the other.
C)Results that are not statistically significant support the null hypothesis.
D)Variables must be operationalized before being defined.
Which of the following cannot establish causal relationships?
A)Longitudinal studies
B)Animal studies
C)Human laboratory studies
D)Therapy outcome studies

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