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The Western Experience book cover
The Western Experience, 8/e
Mortimer Chambers, University of California - Los Angeles
Barbara Hanawalt, Ohio State University
Theodore Rabb, Princeton University
Isser Woloch, Columbia University
Raymond Grew, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

Table of Contents

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Chapter 1
The First Civilizations
  1. The Earliest Humans
    1. Human Beings as Food Gatherers
      Human Beings as Food Producers
      Early Near Eastern Villages
  2. The First Civilizations in Mesopotamia
    1. The Emergence of Civilization
      The Babylonian Kingdom
      Mesopotamian Culture
  3. Egypt
    1. The Old and Middle Kingdoms
      The New Kingdom
      A View of Egyptian Society
  4. Palestine
    1. Canaanites and Phoenicians
      Hebrew Society and the Bible
      The Jewish Legacy
  5. The Near Eastern States
    1. The Assyrian State
      The Chaldeans and the Medes
      The Persian Empire
Chapter 2
The Forming of Greek Civilizations
  1. Crete and Early Greece (ca. 3000-1100 B.C.)
    1. Cretan civilization
      Crete and the Greeks
      Mycenaean Civilization (ca. 1600-1100 B.C.)
  2. The Greek Renaissance (ca. 800-600 B.C.)
    1. Greek Religion
      Public Games
      Colonization (ca. 750-550 B.C.)
      The Alphabet
      Archaic Literature
  3. The Polis
    1. Organization and Government
      The Economy of the Poleis (ca. 700-400 B.C.)
      Sparta and Athens (ca. 700-500 B.C.)
  4. The Challenge of Persia
    1. The Invasion under Darius and Marathon (490 B.C.)
      The Second Persian War (480-479 B.C.)
  5. The Wars of the Fifth Century (479-404 B.C.)
    1. The Athenian Empire
      The Age of Pericles
      The Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.)
Chapter 3
Classical and Hellenistic Greece
  1. Classical Greek Culture (ca. 500-323 B.C.)
    1. Philosophy
      Greek Tragedy
      Comedy: Aristophanes
      Historical Writing
      The Family in Classical Greece
  2. The Rise of Macedonia
    1. Philip II of Macedonia
      Alexander the Great
  3. The Hellenistic Age (323-30 B.C.)
    1. The Dissolution of Alexander's Empire
      The Economic Life
      Literature, Art, and Science
      Philosophy and Religion
Chapter 4
The Roman Republic
  1. The Unification of Italy (to 264 B.C.)
    1. The Geography of Italy
      Early Rome
      The Struggle of the Orders (494-287 B.C.)
      Roman Society in the Republic
      Early Expansion of Rome
  2. The Age of Mediterranean Conquest (264-133 B.C.)
    1. The Punic Wars
      Expansion in the Eastern Mediterranean
      The Nature of Roman Expansion
  3. The Roman Revolution (133-27 B.C.)
    1. Social Change and the Gracchi
      The Years of the Warlords
      The First Triumvirate
      The Supremacy of Julius Caesar
  4. The End of the Roman Republic
    1. The Second Triumvirate
      Octavian Triumphant
  5. The Founding of the Roman Empire
    1. Augustus and the Principate
      Augustus, the First Roman Emperor
Chapter 5
The Empire and Christianity
  1. The Empire at Its Height
    1. The Successors of Augustus
      The Five Good Emperors
      Roman Imperial Civilization
  2. The Period of Crises
    1. The Crisis of Leadership
      Weaknesses in the Institution of Slavery
      The Plight of the Poor
  3. The Late Roman Empire
    1. Restoration under Diocletian
      Constantine and the Bureaucracy
      The Decline of the Western Empire
  4. Christianity and Its Early Rivals
    1. The Mystery Religions
      The Jews in the Roman Empire
      Origins of Christianity
      Battles within Christianity
      The Fathers of the Church
Chapter 6
The Making of Western Europe
  1. The New Community of Peoples
    1. The Great Migrations
      Germanic Society
      Germans and Romans
  2. The New Political Structures
    1. The Early Byzantine Empire
      Justinian the Great (r. 527-650)
      The Frankish Kingdom
      Kingship in Italy and Spain
      Anglo-Saxon England
  3. The New Economy, 500-900
    1. Agricultural Innovations
      Trade and Manufacture
  4. The Expansion of the Church
    1. Origins of the Papacy
      Missionaries and Popular Religion
      The Church and Classical Learning
Chapter 7
The Empires of the Early Middle Ages (800-1000): Creation and Erosion
  1. The Byzantine Empire (623-1071)
    1. Strains on the Empire
      Byzantine Government
      The Two Churches
      Byzantine Economy and Society
      Byzantine Culture
      Decline of the Byzantine Empire
  2. Islam
    1. The Arabs
      The Religion of Islam
      Expansion of Islam
      Islamic Economy and Society
      Islamic Culture
      Decline of Medieval Islamic Civilization
  3. The Carolingian, or Frankish, Empire
    1. Charlemagne
      Carolingian Government
      The Carolingian Renaissance
      Carolingian Society and Culture
      Decline of the Carolingian Empire
  4. The Vikings, Kiev, and England
    1. The Vikings
      The Kievan Rus Principality
      Anglo-Saxon England
Chapter 8
Restoration of an Ordered Society
  1. Economic and Social Changes
    1. Feudalism
      Life of the Nobility
      Peasant Life
      Expansion of Europe
      Commercial Expansion
      Rebirth of Urban Life
  2. Governments of Europe 1000-1150
    1. Norman England
      Capetian France
      The German Empire
  3. The Reform of the Western Church
    1. The Church in Crisis
      Monastic Reform
      Papal Reform
      Investiture Controversy
      Consolidation on Papal Reform
  4. The Crusades
    1. Origins
      The Motives of the Crusaders
      The First Crusade
      The Kingdom of Jerusalem
      The Later Crusades
      Military-Religious Orders
      Results of the Crusades
Chapter 9
The Flowering of Medieval Civilization
  1. Cultural Developments
    1. The Rise of Universities
      Spiritual Approaches to Knowledge
      Romanesque Architecture
      The Gothic Style
      Court Culture
  2. The States of Europe
    1. England
      The Iberian Kingdoms
      Germany: The Holy Empire
  3. The Church
    1. The Growth of Heresy
      The Suppression of Heresy
      The Franciscans
      Papal Government
Chapter 10
The Urban Economy and the Consolidation of States
  1. Cities, Trade, and Commerce
    1. Urban Government
      The Organization of Crafts
      The Guilds
      Commercial Institutions
      Sea Traffic
      Urban Life
  2. Monarchies and the Development of Representative Institutions
    1. England and the Development of Parliament
      France and the Consolidation of Rule
      The Holy Empire and the Fragmentation of Rule
  3. Government in the East
    1. The Byzantine Empire
      The Mongols
      Muscovite Russia
  4. The Papacy and the Church
    1. The Papacy
      Lay Religious Observance
  5. Learning and Literature
    1. Philosophy
Chapter 11
Breakdown and Renewal in an Age of Plague
  1. Population Catastrophes
    1. Demographic Decline
  2. Economic Depression and Recovery
    1. Agricultural Specialization
      Technological Advances
      The Standard of Living
  3. Popular Unrest
    1. Rural Revolts
      Urban Revolts
      The Seeds of Discontent
  4. Challenges of the Governments of Europe
    1. Roots of Political Unrest
      The Nobility and Factional Strife
      England, France, and the Hundred Years' War
      The Tides of the Battle
      The Effectors of the Hundred Years' War
      The States of Italy
  5. The Fall of Byzantium and the Ottoman Empire
    1. The Fall of Constantinople
Chapter 12
Tradition and Change in European Culture, 1300-1500
  1. The New Learning
    1. The Founding of Humanism
      Humanism in the Fifteenth Century
      The Florentine Neoplatonists
      The Heritage of the New Learning
  2. Art and the Artists in the Italian Renaissance
    1. Three Friends
      The High Renaissance
      Status and Perception
  3. The Culture of the North
    1. Chivalry and Decay
      Contemporary Views of Northern Society
      Art and Music
  4. Scholastic Philosophy, Religious Thought, and Piety
    1. The "Modern Way"
      Social and Scientific Thought
  5. The State of Christendom
    1. Styles of Piety
      Movements of Doctrinal Reform
Chapter 13
Reformations in Religion
  1. Piety and Dissent
    1. Doctrine and Reform
      Causes of Discontent
      Popular Religion
      Piety and Protest in Literature and Art
      Christian Humanism
  2. The Lutheran Reformation
    1. The Conditions for Change
      Martin Luther
      The Break with Rome
      Lutheran Doctrine and Practice
      The Spread of Lutheranism
      Lutheranism Established
  3. The Spread of Protestantism
    1. Zwingli and the Radicals
      Persecution of the Radicals
      John Calvin
      The Anglican Church
  4. The Catholic Revival
    1. Strengths and Weaknesses
      The Council of Trent
      The Aftermath of Trent
      Ignatius Loyola
      Religion and Politics
Chapter 14
Economic Expansion and a New Politics
  1. Expansion at Home
    1. Population Increase
      Economic Growth
      Social Change
  2. Expansion Overseas
    1. The Portuguese
      The Spaniards
      The First Colonial Empire
  3. The Centralization of Political Powers
    1. Tudor England
      Louis XI and Charles VIII
      The Growth of Government Powers
      United Spain
      Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
  4. The Splintered States
  5. The New Statecraft
    1. New International Relations
      Machiavelli and Guicciardini
Chapter 15
War and Crisis
  1. Rivalry and War in the Age of Philip II
    1. Elizabeth I of England
      The Dutch Revolt
      Civil War in France
  2. From Unbounded War to International Crisis
    1. The Thirty Years' War
      The Peace of Westphalia
  3. The Military Revolution
    1. Weapons and Tactics
      The Organization and Support of Armies
      The Life of the Soldier
  4. Revolution in England
    1. Pressures for Change
      Parliament and Law
      Rising Antagonisms
      England Under Cromwell
  5. Revolts in France and Spain
    1. The France of Henry IV
      Louis XIII
      Political and Social Crisis
      The Fronde
      Sources of Discontent in Spain
      Revolt and Secession
  6. Political Change in an Age of Crisis
    1. The United Provinces
      Eastern Europe and the Crisis
Chapter 16
Culture and Society in the Age of the Scientific Revolution
  1. Scientific Advance from Copernicus to Newton
    1. Origins of the Scientific Revolution
      The Breakthroughs
      The Climax of the Scientific Revolution: Isaac Newton
  2. The Effects of the Discoveries
    1. The New Epistemology
      Bacon and Descartes
      Pascal's Protest Against New Sciences
      Science Institutionalized
  3. The Arts and Literature
    1. Unsettling Art
      Unsettling Writers
      The Return of Assurance to the Arts
      Stability and Restraint in the Arts
  4. Social Patterns and Popular Culture
    1. Popular Trends
      Social Status
      Mobility and Crime
      Changes in the Villages and Cities
      Belief in Magic and Rituals
      Forces of Restraint
Chapter 17
The Emergence of the European State System
  1. Absolutism in France
    1. The Rule of Louis XIV
      Foreign Policy
      Domestic Policy
      The End of an Era
      France After Louis XIV
  2. Other Patterns of Absolutism
    1. The Habsburgs at Vienna
      The Hohenzollerns at Berlin
      Rivalry and State Building
      The Prussia of Frederick William I
      Frederick the Great
      The Habsburg Empire
      The Habsburgs and Bourbons at Madrid
      Peter the Great at St. Petersburg
  3. Alternatives to Absolutism
    1. Aristocracy in the United Provinces, Sweden, and Poland
      The Triumph of the Gentry in England
      The Growth of Stability
      Contrasts in Political Thought
  4. The International System
    1. Diplomacy and Warfare
      Armies and Navies
      The Seven Years' War
Chapter 18
The Wealth of Nations
  1. Demographic and Economic Growth
    1. The New Demographic Era
      Profit Inflation: The Movement of Prices
  2. The New Shape of Industry
    1. Towards a New Economic Order
      The Roots of Economic Transformation in England
      Cotton: The Beginning of Industrialization
  3. Innovation and Tradition in Agriculture
    1. Convertible Husbandry
      The Enclosure Movement in Britain
      Serf and Peasants on the Continent
  4. Eighteenth-Century Empires
    1. Mercantile and Naval Competition
      The Profits of Empire
      Slavery, the Foundation of Empire
      Mounting Colonial Conflicts
      The British Foothold in India
Chapter 19
The Age of Enlightenment
  1. The Enlightenment
    1. The Broadening Reverberations of Science
      Beyond Christianity
      The Philosophies
      Diderot and the Encyclopedia
  2. Eighteenth-Century Elite Culture
    1. Cosmopolitan High Culture
      Publishing and Reading
      Literature, Music and Art
  3. Popular Culture
    1. Popular Literature
      Literacy and Primary Schooling
      Sociability and Recreation
Chapter 20
The French Revolution
  1. Reform and Political Crisis
    1. Enlightened Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe
      Joseph II and the Limits of Absolutism
      Constitutional Crises in the West
      Upheavals in the British Empire
  2. 1789: The French Revolution
    1. Origins of the Revolution
      Fiscal Crisis and Political Deadlock
      From the Estates General to the National Assembly
      The Convergence of Revolutions
  3. The Reconstruction of France
    1. The New Constitution
      The Revolution of the Church
      Counterrevolution, Radicalism, and War
  4. The Second Revolution
    1. The National Convention
      The Revolutionary Crisis
      The Jacobin Dictatorship
      The Sans-culottes: Revolution From Below
      The Revolutionary Wars
Chapter 21
The Age of Napoleon
  1. From Robespierre to Bonoparte
    1. The Thermidorian Reaction
      The Directory
      The Brumaire Coup
  2. The Napoleonic Settlement in France
    1. The Napoleonic Style
      Political and Religious Settlements
      The Era of the Notables
  3. Napoleonic Hegemony in Europe
    1. Military Supremacy and the Reorganization of Europe
      Naval War with Britain
      The Napoleonic Conscription Machine
  4. Opposition to Napoleon
    1. The "Spanish Ulcer"
      The Russian Debacle
      German Resistance and the Last Coalition
      The Napoleonic Legend
Chapter 22
Foundations of the Nineteenth Century: Politics and Social Change
  1. The Politics of Order
    1. The Congress of Vienna
      The Pillars of the Restoration: Russia, Austria, Prussia
      The Test of Restoration: Spain, Italy, and France
  2. The Progress of Industrialization
    1. The Technology to Support Machines
      The Economic Effects of Revolution and War
      Patterns of Industrialization
  3. The Social Effects
    1. The Division of Labor
      The Family
      The Standard of Living
Chapter 23
Learning to Live With Change
  1. Ideas of Change
    1. Romanticism
      Social Thought
      The Early Socialists
  2. The Structure of Society
    1. Social Classes
      The Changing Populations
      Social Welfare
  3. The Spread of Liberal Government
    1. Great Britain
      The Revolutions of 1830
Chapter 24
National States and National Cultures
  1. The Revolutions of 1848
    1. The Opening Phase
      The Final Dissensions
      The Final Phase
  2. The Politics of Nationalism
    1. The Elements of Nationalism
      A New Regime: The Second Empire in France
      Nationalism and International Relations
      A New Nation: The Unification of Italy
      A New Nation: The Unification of Germany
      Reshaping Old Empires
  3. Nineteenth-Century Culture
    1. The Organization of Culture
      The Content of Culture
Chapter 25
European Power: Wealth, Knowledge, and Imperialism
  1. The Economics of Growth
    1. The Second Industrial Revolution
      The Demographic Transition
  2. The Knowledge of Nature and Society
    1. The Conquests of Science
      Social Science and Ideas of Progress
  3. Europe and the World
    1. The Apparent Decline of Colonial Empires
      Europe's Growing Engagement Overseas
  4. Modern Imperialism
    1. The Meaning of Imperialism
      Explanations of Imperialism
      Imperialism and European Society
      Conquests of the New Imperialism
Chapter 26
The Age of Progress
  1. The Belle Epoque
    1. Popular Culture
      "The Woman Question"
      The Arts
  2. Attacks on Liberal Civilization
    1. Working Class Movements
      The Christian Critique
      Beyond Reason
  3. Domestic Politics
    1. Common Problems
      France: The Third Republic
      Germany: The Reich
      Italy: The Liberal Monarchy
      Russia: Defeat and Revolution
      Austria-Hungary: The Delicate Balance
      Spain: Instability and Loss of Empire
      Great Britain: Heading Towards Democracy
Chapter 27
World War I and the War it Created
  1. The Coming of World War
    1. Bismarck's System of Alliances
      The Shifting Balance
      The Outbreak of World War
      The Origins of World War
  2. The Course of the War
    1. The Surprises of the First Two Years
      Adjustment to Total War
      The Great Trials of 1917-1918
      The Effects of World War 1
  3. The Peace
    1. The Revolutionary Situation
      The Peace Treaties
  4. Postwar Democracy
    1. The New Governments
      The Established Democracies
      International Relations
Chapter 28
The Great Twentieth- Century Crisis
  1. Two Successful Revolutions
    1. Revolution in Russia
      Towards a Communist Society
      Italian Fascism
  2. The Distinctive Culture of the Twentieth Century
    1. Freudian Psychology
      The Humanities
      The Sciences
      Public Culture
  3. The Retreat from Democracy
    1. Authoritarian Regimes
      The Great Depression
  4. Nazi Germany and the USSR
    1. Hitler's Germany
      Stalin's Soviet Union
  5. Democracies' Weak Response
    1. Divisive Social Change
      The Argument for Liberty
      Domestic Politics
      The Failures of Diplomacy
Chapter 29
The Nightmare: World War II
  1. The Years of Axis Victory
    1. The Path to War
      The Course of the War, 1939-1941
  2. The Global War, 1942-1945
    1. The Turn of the Tide
      Competing Political Systems
      Allied Strategy
      The Road to Victory
  3. Building on the Ruins
    1. Immediate Crises
      Europe Divided
  4. European Recovery
    1. Economic Growth
      New Political Directions
      The International Context
Chapter 30
The New Europe
  1. The New Institutions
    1. Cautious Beginnings
      Toward European Union
  2. Postindustrial Society
    1. Europe's Advantage
  3. The Politics of Prosperity
    1. Waves of Protest
      Capitalist Countries: The Challenge of Recession
      Communist Rule: The Problem of Rigidity
  4. The End Of an Era
    1. The Miracles of 1989
      The Disintegration of the USSR
      Europe Without Cold War
  5. Contemporary Culture
    1. Postwar Creativity
      The Explosion of Popular Culture
      Social Thought
  1. The Present and the Past
    1. Looking for Lessons
      Europe and the World
  2. The Modern Economy
    1. Natinal Standing
  3. The Functions of the State
    1. Economic Policies
      Diminishing the State
  4. Questions of Values
    1. Human Rights
  5. The Nature of Community
    1. Cohesion and Conflict
      Splintered Cultures