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Microscale and Miniscale Organic Chemistry Lab Experiments, 2/e
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Microscale and Miniscale Organic Chemistry Lab Experiments, 2/e

Allen Schoffstall, University of Colorado
Barbara A. Gaddis, University of Colorado
Melvin L. Druelinger, University of Southern Colorado


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Book Preface
Table of Contents

Flexible, Engaging, and User-Friendly

Microscale and Miniscale Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiments offers a comprehensive introduction to organic laboratory techniques that is flexible, engaging, and user-friendly. It provides techniques for handling glassware and equipment, safety in the laboratory, micro- and miniscale experimental procedures, theory of reactions and techniques, relevant background information, applications, and spectroscopy.

This text features:

  • Flexible Content
    Along with the traditional experiments, it offers the flexibility of choosing starting materials, characterization methods, and either microscale or miniscale procedures.
  • Discovery Experiments
    Discovery experiments incorporate pedagogical advantages of inductive inquiry experiments with the ease of design found in expository experiments. Discovery experiments (or guided inquiry experiments) have a specific procedure designed to give a pre-determined, but unspecified result.
  • Engaging Material
    Experiments illustrating a wide variety of reactions challenge students to think critically. Discovery-oriented experiments require students to do "detective work" because the results are not always a foregone conclusion.
  • User-Friendly Organization
    This text contains more experiments than other lab texts, providing additional reinforcement of topics and multiple experiments to choose from. The organization of the material is clearly defined, allowing the instructor the flexibility to coordinate the lecture with the laboratory experiments.
  • CD-ROM
    Demonstrations of laboratory techniques are available as clips on the CD that accompanies this text. Simulations of experiments are useful as pre-lab exercises to familiarize the students with the experiment and to enhance learning in the laboratory.
  • Web Support
    The web site includes pertinent information about experiments beyond that available in the text, electronic laboratory reports, links to other useful sites, molecular modeling, and exercises involving certain virtual experiments.