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Web Exercises
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Go to, the home page of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program within the U.S. Department of Energy. Click on "Solar" and then "Photovoltaics" to get detailed information about this exciting new technology. For more basic information, click on the box labeled "Solar Cell Animation" in the upper right-hand corner of the Solar page to see a brief but informative movie about photovoltaics. (Hint: the url is, if you want to go there directly or you get lost in the previous pages.) At the bottom of this page you’ll see a link to NCPV Master Index. This is a gateway to a wealth of basic information about how photovoltaics work. Look at the index and answer the following questions:

1. What is amorphous silicon?

2. What are the environmental concerns about PV?

3. Who discovered the PV effect? When?

4. How does a PV cell work?

5. Give one example of a success story involving PV systems.

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