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Principles of Environmental Science
William P. Cunningham, University of Minnesota
Mary Ann Cunningham, Vassar College

Air: Climate and Pollution

Further Readings

Alley, Richard B. and Michael L. Bender.. (1998). "Greenland Ice Cores: Frozen in Time.". : Scientific American. (278(2): 80-85.).
Glacial ice preserves a record of the earth's climate and atmosphere.

Beardsley, T.. (2000). "Dissecting a Hurricane,". : Scientific American. (282(3):80-85.).
Scientists fly into the eye of a hurricane to gain new insights into how they work.

Berg, T, et al.. (2001). "Atmospheric mercury species in the European Arctic: Measurements and modeling.". : . (35(14): 2569-2582).
Traces how mercury moves from industrial areas into the arctic.

Bentley, Charles R.. (1997). "Rapid Sea-Level Rise Soon from West Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse?". : Science. (275(5303):1077-1078).
A cautiously optimistic appraisal of the potential for global warming to cause rapid melting of Antarctic ice.

Bower, J.. (2000). "The Dark Side of Light,". : Audubon. (102(2):92-97.).
Light pollution is a threat to wildlife and may affect human health as well.

Boyle, R. H.. (1999). "Global Warming: You're Getting Warmer,". : Audubon. (101(6): 80-87.).
An interview with climatologist James Hansen.

Bremer, D.J., et al.. (1996). "Effect of Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Open-Top Chambers on Transpiration in a Tallgrass Prairie,". : Journal of Environmental Quality. (25(4):691-701.).
Field studies of plant responses to elevated CO2 can give very different results than greenhouse experiments.

Castro, T. S. et al.. (2001). "The influence of aerosols on photochemical smog in Mexico City". : Atmospheric Environment. (35 (10):1765-1772).
A study of air pollution in the world's biggest city. Also see article in this issue on the regional air quality impact of Mexico City.

Commission on Geosciences, Environment and Resources.. (2000). Reconciling Observation of Global Temperature Change.. Washington, DC: National Academy Press..
A good presentation of the science behind global climate change.

Darst, Robert G.. (2001). Smokestack Diplomacy.. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press..
A fascinating look at international environmental politics.

Dauncey, Guy.. (2001). Stormy Weather: 101 Solutions to Global Climate Change.. Gabriola Island, B.C.: New Society Publishers..
Practical actions for individuals, communities, and nations to combat global climate change.

Elsom, Derek.. (1997). "The World's Least-Polluting Cars,". Earth Island.: Earth Island Journal. (12(2):27.).
Britain's Ethical Consumer magazine rates autos for energy efficiency.

Elsom, Derek.. (1996). Smog Alert: Managing Urban Air Quality.. Covelo, CA:: Island Press..

Environmental Protection Agency.. (1996). "National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone and Particulate Matter,". : Federal Register. (61(114):29719-29725).
Official standards for ambient ozone levels.

Flavin, Christopher.. (1997). "Climate Change and Storm Damage: The Insurance Costs Keep Rising". : World Watch Journal. (January/February 1997:10-11.).
Insurance companies are quite worried about potential losses if global climate change brings more severe weather.

Gelbspan, Ross.. (1997). The Heat is On.. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc..
Criticizes fossil fuel and conservative politicians who confuse the public about global warming and the disruptive weather patterns that mark its initial stages.

Grubb, Michael.. (2001). "Hold tight at The Hague". : Climate Policy 1(1): 3-4.
See several other articles by Noble, Yamagata, Haites, Mastepanov, Begg, vrolijk, Sepledge, Cadena, et al summarizing the climate negotiations at the Hague.

Harris, Robert N. and David S. Chapman.. (1997). "Borehole Temperatures and a Baseline for 20th-Century Global Warming Estimates". : Science. (275(5306):1618-1622).
Deep wells provide a good record of climate over the past millennium. This study suggests that recent global warming is greater than previously suspected.

Hedin, Lars O and Gene E. Likens.. (1996). "Atmospheric Dust and Acid Rain,". : Scientific American. (275(6):88-92).
Alkaline dust is neutralizing atmospheric acids and reducing acidic precipitation.

Herzog, Howard, et al.. (2000). "Capturing Greenhouse gases.". : Scientific American. (282 (2): 72-89).
Discusses ways to collect CO2 and bury it deep underground or in the ocean.

Hungate, B.A., et al.. (1997). "Stimulation of Grassland Nitrogen Cycling Under Carbon Dioxide Enrichment". : Oecologia. (109(1):149-153).
CO2 enhances plant growth but can cause stress in nitrogen-limited ecosystems.

Karl, T. R. and K. E. Trenberth.. 1999 "The Human Impact of Climate". : Scientific American 281(6): 100-105. (December 1999). A good review of the current state of climate research..

Karl, Thomas R. et al.. (1997). "The Coming Climate". : Scientific American. (276(5):78-83).
A cautious analysis of potential for severe weather and other climate extremes as a result of global warming.

Karliner, Joshua, et al.. (1997). "The Barons of Bromide: The Corporate Forces Behind Toxic Poisoning and Ozone Depletion". : The Ecologist. (27(3): 90-98).
A biting critique of the bromine industry.

Khodri, M. et al.. (2001). "Simulating the amplification of orbital forcing by ocean feedbacks in the last glaciation.". : Nature 410 (6828): 570-574..
Including ocean effects in global climate models helps explain the Milankovitch theory.

Koch, G.W. and H.A. Mooney, eds.. (1996). Carbon Dioxide and Terrestrial Ecosystems.. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Some ecosystems will flourish under CO2 enrichment while others will be disturbed.

Krupa, Sagar V.. (1997). Air Pollution, People, and Plants: An Introduction.. St. Paul, MN: The American Phytopathological Society..
Comprehensive coverage of the causes and effects of air pollution.

Luterbacher, Urs and Detlef f. Sprinz.. (2001). International Relations and Global Climate Change.. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Conceptual, theoretical, and methodological approaches to dealing with global climate change.

Lynch, Colum.. (1998). "Stormy Weather". : The Amicus Journal 19(4):25-29..
Introduction to the international conference in Kyoto -- and the controversies.

Manne, Alan S. and Richard G. Richels.. (2001). "An alternative approach to establishing tradeoffs among greenhouse gases.". : Nature 410 (6829): 675-677.
A model is proposed for establishing equivalences between greenhouse gases for the purpose of emissions trading.

Moulin, C., et al.. (1997). "Control of Atmospheric Export of Dust from North Africa by the North Atlantic Oscillation,". : Nature.
A report on transport of dust from North Africa across the ocean to North America.

National Assessment Synthesis Team, U. S. Global Change Research Program.. (2000). Climate Change Impacts on the United States.. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Interesting projections of the impacts of global climate change.

O'Meara, Molly.. (1997). "The Risks, and How We Will Manage Them". : World Watch Journal 10(6):10-24..
A preview of the 1997 International meeting on global climate change in Kyoto, Japan.

Obasi, G.O.P.. "The atmosphere: global commons to protect". : Our Planet. (7(5):5-8).
Describes the risks from climate change and ozone depletion, and how the World Meteorological Organization addresses the protection of the atmosphere.

Picaut, J., et al.. (1996). "Mechanism of the Zonal Displacements of the Pacific Warm Pool: Implications for ENSO,". : Science 274(5292):1486-1489.
What forcing factors drive El Nino;?

Potter, C., et al.. (2001). "Biomass burning losses of carbon estimated from ecosystem modeling and satellite data analysis for the Brazilian Amazon region.". : Atmospheric Environment..

Reich, Peter B. et al.. (2001). "Plant diversity enhances ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 and nitrogen deposition.". : Nature. (410: 809-810).
In grassland field experiments, plots with greater plant diversity had greater biomass accumulation in response to nitrogen fertilization and doubled CO2 levels than plots with fewer species.

Retallack, Simon.. (1997). "God Protect Us from Those Who 'Protect the Skies'". : The Ecologist. (27(5):188-191).
The Montreal Protocol, initially hailed as a landmark in environmental protection, emerged as an agreement "as ridden with holes as the ozone layer it was designed to protect."

Rodhe, H. et al.. (1997). "Svante Arrhenius and the Greenhouse Effect". : Ambio 26(1):1-4.
The lead article in a special issue commemorating the 100-year anniversary of the publication of Svante Arrhenius' landmark paper on the greenhouse effect.

Roig, Fidel A. et al.. (2001). "Climate variability 50,000 years ago in mid-latitude Chile reconstructed from tree rings.". : Nature 410. ((6828): 567-570).
A tree ring chronology for a 1,229 year period developed from fossil stumps of Fitzroya cupressoides buried in coastal sediments shows that the climate 50,000 years ago was not dissimilar from today.

Schneider, David.. (1997). "The Rising Seas". : Scientific American. (276(3):112-117).
What is the likelihood that rapid movement of Antarctic ice sheets will cause catastrophic sea-level rises?

Smith, Gar.. (1997). "Oil Spills in the Sky". : Earth Island Journal. (12(3):34-35).
Jetliners destroy the ozone shield and vent climate-changing contrails.

The Social Learning Group.. (2001). Learning to Manage Global Environmental Risks: Volume 1, A Comparative History of Social Responses to Climate Change, Ozone Depletion, and Acid Rain.. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
A look at how ideas, interests, and institutions affect environmental management.

Thornton, Joe.. (Chlorine is used in a wide variety of industrial products but its environmental and health drawbacks are serious.). 2000 Pandora's Poison: Chlorine, Health, and a new Environmental Strategy.. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Watson, Robert T., et al., eds.. (This is the summary document of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group on the risks of global warming.). The Regional Impacts of Climate Change: An Assessment of Vulnerability.. London: Cambridge University Press.

Wilson, Richard and John Spengler.. (1996). Particles in Our Air: Concentrations and Health Effects.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
A useful overview of the health effects of aerosols.