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The Muscular System

Functions of the Muscular System
1. List the functions of the muscular system.
Characteristics of Skeletal Muscle
2. Describe the microscopic structure of a muscle and produce diagrams that illustrate the arrangement of myofibrils, sarcomeres, and myofilaments.
3. Describe a resting membrane potential and action potential.
4. Describe the neuromuscular junction.
5. Describe the events that occur in muscle contraction and relaxation.
6. Define muscle twitch, tetanus, and recruitment.
7. Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
8. Compare the mechanisms involved in the major types of fatigue.
9. Distinguish between isometric and isotonic contractions.
10.Define muscle tone.
11. Distinguish between fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles and explain the function for which each type is best adapted.
Smooth Muscle and Cardiac Muscle
12. Distinguish among skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle.
Skeletal Muscle Anatomy
13. Define the following terms and give an example of each: origin, insertion, agonist, antagonist, synergist, and prime mover.
14. Describe various facial expressions and list the major muscles causing each.
15. Describe mastication, tongue movement, and swallowing and list the muscles or groups of muscles involved in each.
16. Describe the muscles of the trunk and the actions they accomplish.
17. Describe the movements of the arm, forearm, and hand and list the muscle groups involved in each movement.
18. Describe the movements of the thigh, leg, and foot and list the muscle groups involved in each movement.
Effects of Aging on Skeletal Muscle
19. Describe the effects of aging on skeletal muscle.

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