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Internet Exercises
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Access and Equity in Educational Technology
An interactive assessment tool for access, equity, and curriculum issues.
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Artful Minds
This site aims to provide teachers with theoretical information and practical applications about arts education, brain research, and technology.
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Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
The Association (founded in 1981) is an international, educational, and professional organization dedicated to the advancement of the knowledge, theory, and quality of learning and teaching at all levels with information technology.
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Classroom Connect
Connects classrooms to educational sites and opportunities for teachers by searching for new lesson plans, seeking keypals, or just making the most of the Internet in the classroom.
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Closing the Equity Gap in Technology Access and Use: A Practical Guide for K-12 Educators
This site assists administrators, teachers, and students in creating equitable access to educational technology. Interactive quizzes are followed by summaries of responses and strategies to help close the equity gap in technology access and use.
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The Digital Divide
The Public Broadcasting Service provides this annotated list of links that focus on gender, racial, classroom, and employment gaps in educational technology as well as what can be done to bridge the chasm between the "haves" and "have nots" in the cyber world.
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Educators Guide to Evaluating Technology in Classrooms
A link from the US Education Department. The appraisal tool is an easy-to-follow format from questions to ask to how do I communicate the results.
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The Electronic School
"The authority in school technology" this online journal includes reviews of curricular software as well as strategies for integrating technology into elementary and secondary classrooms.
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Global Schoolhouse
The Global Schoolhouse connects classrooms throughout the world to engage in collaborative learning. Online opportunities for teachers to collaborate, communicate, and celebrate shared learning experiences are provided in the spirit of critical inquiry.
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Great Source Education Group
Great Source publishes alternative, affordable, and student-friendly K-12 materials to make teaching and learning fun for both educators and students. Browse through the online catalog, take advantage of special offers, share ideas with other educators, and learn about innovative instruction using technology.
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I*EARN The International Educational and Resource Network
With the motto, "youth making a difference in the world through telecommunications," the I*EARN site describes an international community of students and teachers who use telecommunications to collaborate on classroom projects.
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International Society for Technology in Education
This is the largest teacher-based, nonprofit organization in the field of educational technology. It is involved in sharing classroom-proven solutions to the challenge of incorporating computers, the Internet, and other new technologies into schools.
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The Journal of Technology Education
The Journal of Technology Education provides a forum for scholarly discussion on topics relating to technology education. Articles focus on technology education research, philosophy, and theory. In addition, the Journal publishes book reviews, editorials, guest articles, comprehensive literature reviews, and reactions to previously published articles.
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The Milken Family Foundation Education Technology
Sponsored by the Milken Family Foundation, this site's purpose is to accelerate the use of effective technology in schools. Past Milken Award winners reflect on their experiences with technology in the classroom.
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The Office of Educational Technology
This Office of the U.S. Department of Education offers many resources related to educational technology including policy initiatives, evaluation of technology strategies, distance learning practices, and inequities to technology access.
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PBS TeacherSource
The Public Broadcasting Service provides an array of resources for teachers, including tips for using both television and the Internet in and out of the classroom.
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Reinventing Schools: The Technology Is Now!
Provides information, from the National Academy of Sciences on various technology issues for K-12 schools.
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Strategies for Teaching Children Responsible Use of Technology
This article contains suggestions from educators on teaching the ethics of computer use. It is published by the Computer Learning Foundation, "an international non-profit educational foundation dedicated to improving the quality of education and preparation of youth for the workplace through the use of technology."
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