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The Cheating Problem
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We've all been tempted to take an unethical short cut, but while some resist, others succumb to the temptation. Although those who do succumb feel bad about it, try to repress it, and forget that it ever happened. Sometimes those trying to suppress this bad memory look just like us, because they are us. Cheating continues to be a major moral problem in many schools. Can you recall these episodes in your own student days? Try hard (all responses are anonymous and confidential) and see how your history compares to others by going on line and seeing the results of the following survey.

A)Have you copied from another student on a test?
B)Have you used crib or cheat notes on a test?
C)Have you submitted as your own, work actually completed by your family or friends?
D)Have you collaborated with other students on an assignment given as individual work?
E)Have you submitted the same assignment for two different classes?
F)Have you copied information from the Internet without permission?
G)Have you plagiarized on a written assignment?
H)Have you lied to a teacher?
I)Have you been caught cheating?
J)If yes, were you reprimanded?
K)Have you turned yourself in for cheating?
L)If yes, were you reprimanded?

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