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Spears: Developing Critical Reading Skills
Developing Critical Reading Skills, 6/e
Deanne Spears, City College of San Francisco


Exercise 2: Identifying Unstated Assumptions in Arguments

For each argument, list one unstated assumption that underlies the writer's claim. That is, what unstated idea does the writer assume to be true? The answer to the first one has been done for you.

Mrs. Jones is a good teacher. I received a good grade in her class.

Unstated assumption ____________________________________________


Answer A teacher is good if he or she gives good grades.

Explanation This argument makes a cause-effect assumption linking good teaching techniques with high grades.

Now continue with these examples.


2. I won't vote for a political candidate whose moral life is questionable. When I learned that Congressman William Snyder admitted to having several affairs during his thirty-five-year marriage, I decided to vote for his opponent.

Unstated assumption:


3. Using discarded embryos to harvest stem cells promises to benefit people with serious diseases that currently have no effective treatment, like Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's. Those people who argue that an embryo is essentially a human being place more importance on a mass of cells than they do on the health of people who are already alive and in need of help.

Unstated assumption:


4. Eating large quantities of red meat is unhealthy; in fact, to be truly healthy, a vegetarian diet is preferable to one that includes meat.

Unstated assumption:


5. For a safe and reliable car, you should buy a Ford Taurus.

Unstated assumption: