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Spears: Developing Critical Reading Skills
Developing Critical Reading Skills, 6/e
Deanne Spears, City College of San Francisco


Chapter 2 - Exercise 3

Hypnosis is classed as a psychological rather than a physiological method because it is essentially a form of highly focused mental concentration in which one person allows another to structure the object of the concentration and simultaneously suspends critical judgment and peripheral awareness. When this method is used in a cultic environment, it becomes a form of psychological manipulation and coercion because the cult leader implants suggestions aimed at his own agenda while the person is in a vulnerable state.
--Margaret Thaler Singer with Janja Lalich. Cults in Our Midst

On the basis of the evidence in the passage, label these statements as follows: Y (yes); N (no); or CT (can't tell).


Some cult members accept a cult leader's ideas because they have been hypnotized.

Hypnosis is always performed as a psychological method to manipulate and coerce.

Strong willed people are resistant to hypnosis.

The authors are experts in cults and cultish behavior.