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Adolescence 9/e Book Cover
Adolescence, 9/e
John W. Santrock, University of Texas, Dallas


Key Terms

affectionate love  Also called companionate love, this love occurs when an individual wants to have another person near and has a deep, caring affection for that person.
anticonformity  This occurs when individuals react counter to a group's expectations and deliberately move away from the actions or beliefs the group advocates.
cliques  These units are smaller, involve more intimacy, and are more cohesive than crowds. They are, however, larger and involve less intimacy than friendships.
conformity  This occurs when individuals adopt the attitudes or behaviors of others because of real or imagined pressure from them.
conglomerate strategies  Involves the use of a combination of techniques, rather than a single approach, to improve adolescents' social skills.
controversial children  Children who are frequently nominated both as being a best friend and as being disliked.
crowd  The largest, most loosely defined, and least personal unit of adolescent peer society. Crowds often meet because of their mutual interest in an activity.
dating scripts  The cognitive models that adolescents and adults use to guide and evaluate dating interactions.
intimacy in friendship  In most research, this is defined narrowly as self-disclosure or sharing of private thoughts.
neglected children  Children who are infrequently nominated as a best friend but are not disliked by their peers.
nonconformity  This occurs when individuals know what people around them expect but do not use these expectations to guide their behavior.
norms  Rules that apply to all members of a group.
peers  Children or adolescents who are of about the same age or maturity level.
popular children  Children who are frequently nominated as a best friend and are rarely disliked by their peers.
rejected children  Children who are infrequently nominated as a best friend and are actively disliked by their peers.
roles  Certain positions in a group that are governed by rules and expectations. Roles define how adolescents should behave in those positions.
romantic love  Also called passionate love or Eros, this love has strong sexual and infatuation components, and it often predominates in the early part of a love relationship.