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Ralph Ellison


Looking for a place to start your online research of Ellison? Try this Ellison Webliography, which has links to, among other things, a chronology of the author's life, essays, images, and web resources.

This page contains an Ellison biography, a photo, a brief bibliography, and some links.

Here's a page from the New York Times that features links to many biographical works about Ellison, including a profile, an interview, and an obituary. (Free registration required.)


If you'd like to put Ellison's work into a historical context, you will want to know something about the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S. To get you started here's a good general page about the Civil Rights Movement from The Encyclopedia Britannica.

This Ralph Ellison Memorial Gallery, inspired in part by Invisible Man, contains photos, commentary, and an excerpt from the novel.

Here's a page with some information about a video called Ralph Ellison: An American Journey. You'll find a photo, a summary of the film, and some blurbs about it there. What method would you use to get your hands on a copy?

The Seattle Weekly published this article in 1999. It's about the making of Ellison's last book, the novel Juneteenth.


Ellison's Invisible Man is the focus of this page. There, you'll find links to a chapter summary of the novel, and to various essays about the book.

Ready for some Ellison multimedia? Good! Here's a page that contains some more information about Invisible Man, and a link to an excerpt of the novel read by the fine actor Joe Morton.

This page has a brief excerpt from Invisible Man, a brief commentary about the book, and some links.