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Multiple Choice Quiz II
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When should researchers consult with the proper authorities about the appropriate procedures for institutional review of their research project?
A)before beginning the research project
B)before testing the last participant in the research project
C)before analyzing the data from the research project
D)before submitting the research for publication

Researchers can avoid the potential of social injury or risk for the participants in their research project if the researchers
A)avoid using deception in their research.
B)ensure the internal validity of their study.
C)obtain informed consent from each participant.
D)protect the confidentiality of participants’ responses.

Which of the following is not one of the major dimensions that researchers need to consider when deciding what information is private?
A)the sensitivity of the information that the researcher is seeking
B)the setting in which the researcher is seeking the information
C)the amount of information that the researcher is seeking
D)the manner in which the information will be disseminated to others

Under what conditions is it always unethical to deceive research participants?
A)when withholding information that might lead participants to act according to the instructions provided by the experimenter
B)when deceiving participants to get them to participate in research in which they would not normally take part or in research that involves serious risk
C)when deceiving participants places them at minimal risk by participating in the research
D)when concealing the true nature of the experiment might lead participants to behave as they normally would

Animal review boards (IACUCs) are responsible for ensuring the welfare and humane treatment of animals used in research. Which of the following is not one of the issues that animal review boards decide?
A)adequacy of the budget for carrying out the proposed research
B)adequacy of the procedures for controlling pain
C)adequacy of the experimental design for gaining important new information
D)adequacy of the training of personnel who will be doing the testing and care of the animals

According to the APA Ethical Standards, who is ultimately responsible for the ethical conduct of research done in psychology?
A)the Institutional Review Board (IRB)
B)the individual researcher doing the research
C)the sponsoring institution (e.g., the university)
D)the assistants who actually test the participants

Which of the following statements represents the policy regarding the termination of an animal’s life according to the APA Ethical Standards for the care and use of animals?
A)An animal’s life may never be terminated before the time when death by natural causes would occur.
B)When it is appropriate that an animal’s life be terminated, it is done rapidly, with an effort to minimize pain, and in accordance with accepted procedures.
C)An animal’s life may be terminated in whatever way best facilitates the successful completion of the research.
D)When it is appropriate that an animal’s life be terminated, the procedures to be used may be those deemed necessary by the individual researcher.

When using a direct quote from a source, it is appropriate to
A)cite the source with the quote.
B)use quotation marks around the quoted material.
C)cite the source at the end of the paragraph.
D)(a) and (b)

In addition to providing benefits to the researcher, debriefing provides potential benefits to
B)the research participants.
C)the Institutional Review Board.
D)the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

An assessment of risk must consider
A)risks associated with everyday life.
B)characteristics of the participants.
C)participants’ possible misconceptions about the research.
D)all of the above

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