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Multiple Choice Quiz II
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A sample is considered biased when the characteristics of the sample
A)differ systematically from those of the target population.
B)differ randomly from those of the target population.
C)differ haphazardly from those of the target population.
D)correspond well to those of the target population.

When researchers use the successive independent samples design and mistakenly draw samples from different populations at the various times of the survey, the researchers are likely to face the problem of
A)archival samples.
B)stratified samples.
C)noncomparable samples.
D)response bias samples.

Which of the following problems in survey research is peculiar to longitudinal survey research designs?
A)reactive measurement
B)response bias
C)respondent mortality (attrition)
D)selection bias

Which of the following statements could you make if you knew that the correlation between the time high school students spend watching TV and their scores on a school achievement test was -.64?
A)The more time students spend watching TV, the higher their scores on a school achievement test will be.
B)The more time students spend watching TV, the lower their scores on a school achievement test will be.
C)The amount of time students spend watching TV and their scores on a school achievement test are entirely unrelated to each other.
D)Spending more time watching TV causes students to do more poorly on a school achievement test.

A sampling frame, the actual list of the elements in a population, can be considered a(n) ________________ of the population.
A)operational definition
B)dependent variable
C)biased sample

Which of the following survey methods is best suited for the study of personal or embarrassing topics?
A)personal interview
B)telephone interview
C)mail survey
D)convenience sample

A possible questionnaire item that reads, “Do you agree or disagree with laws concerning abortion and capital punishment,” could be criticized because it is a
A)leading question.
B)filter question.
C)funnel question.
D)double-barreled question.

Research indicates there is a negative correlation between scores on an achievement test and number of hours spent watching television. Based on this correlation we can
A)predict someone’s score on an achievement test if we know how much television is watched.
B)predict how much television someone watches if we know the achievement test score.
C)both (a) and (b)
D)none of the above

In order to obtain data for a research project, a student asks classmates to complete a survey before class starts. The resulting sample of respondents can best be characterized as a
A)convenience sample.
B)random sample.
C)stratified random sample.
D)probability sample.

Suppose a population is 60% women and 40% men. A representative sample of 200 people from this population would consist of
A)100 women and 100 men.
B)80 women and 120 men.
C)120 women and 80 men.
D)150 women and 50 men.

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