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Multiple Choice Quiz I
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Which of the following statements describes an important reason for using the multimethod approach to examine a research question?
A)Researchers collect more data using this approach.
B)The multimethod approach reveals that all measures are good measures of behavior.
C)Researchers should not rely on a single, imperfect measure of behavior.
D)The multimethod approach demonstrates that the same findings are observed with unobtrusive measures such as archival records as in laboratory studies.

A researcher classified the types of messages found in greeting cards to characterize relationships in our modern culture. This type of measure is referred to as a(n)
A)biased measure.
B)product trace.
C)use trace.
D)running record.

The distinction between observation with intervention and observation without intervention is similar to the distinction between
A)natural use traces and controlled use traces.
B)physical traces and archival records.
C)quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
D)correlations and spurious relationships.

A researcher left small slips of paper in books available to children to determine which books were chosen and opened by the children. By examining whether the slips of paper had fallen out of the book, the researcher used a ________ measure.
A)natural use trace
B)controlled use trace
C)selective deposit
D)selective survival

An important step when interpreting findings using a physical trace measure is to seek converging evidence for the finding. This reflects concern for the _____ of the finding.
C)causal inference

Data found in records and documents that recount the activities of individuals, institutions, governments, and other groups are called
A)archival data.
B)index data.
C)social data.
D)codified data.

Which of the following characteristics of a laboratory experiment’s results increases when findings from archival data are similar to the results found in the lab?
A)internal validity
B)external validity
D)social desirability

The first step in conducting a content analysis is to
A)make inferences based on content coding of archival records.
B)identify an archival source that allows the researcher to answer the questions of the study.
C)select samples to analyze from the archival source.
D)code data from an archival record into categories.

The problem of selection bias in survey techniques, in which the researcher’s procedures determine who is likely to be included in a sample, is similar to the problem of ________ in archival records.
A)selection threat
B)sampling distinctions
C)selective deposit
D)running records

In general, unobtrusive research techniques have _______ ethical problems compared to research methods that rely on direct observation, survey, and experimentation.
B)about the same

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