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Barbara Ehrenreich


Here's a good start page from Rutgers with a brief bio, a photo, some links, and some questions. It's a good place to start your internet research about Ehrenreich.

Here's the author's profile from The Nation, a magazine to which she's a regular contributor. How is this biographical information different from that given above in terms of information? In terms of tone?

Here is Ehrenreich's entry at How is this entry different from the information above? Do you consider it trustworthy? Why or why not?


Interested in putting this author's work into a cultural context? Here are some feminism and women's literature links. How can this information help you in your writing about Ehrenreich?

Did you know that this author writes more than nonfiction? This page contains a brief review of Ehrenreich's novel Kipper's Game. Does the subject matter of this novel fit in easily with this writer's other work?

This is the homepage of the Democratic Socialists of America. Can you find a link between Ehrenreich and this organization?

Here is a review of Ehrenreich's book, Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War. Does this subject matter surprise you, given what you know of this author's work?


This is a Time magazine article by Ehrenreich about the 2000 Presidential election, in which she explains why she voted for Ralph Nader.

Here's a Salon essay she wrote about Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton, and the impeachment process.

Click here to hear a speech in RealAudio about the media by Ehrenreich. Now that you know some of Ehrenreich's writing, what do you think of her speaking? Did she sound about the way you imagined?